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Destiny's POV

I'm going to tell him, there are no guards here I'm in a jail cell he made in a cave. No one can hear us.

"Zane, I want to tell you something" I said.

"Is it how to get to Irene's dimension?" He asked.

"No it's not I want to tell you why I won't let you go there." I told him everything, how I knew him and Garroth, my entire past, I trust him and I think I'm in love with him. I hope he tells me why he wants to get to my mother's dimension. "That's all of it, can you tell me why you want to go there now?" I asked. Zane stood up and walked out, and I stood there alone and started crying until I fell asleep.

Zane's POV

Why do I feel so guilty about this? She's safe, she's asleep here on my lap in this carriage, she's even going to Phoenix Drop with me. I know why, I didn't ask her about taking her out of her cell. She's starting to wake up. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said in the friendliest voice I could use.

"Zane?! Where am I? Where are we going?" She said as she sat up, she was scared.

"We are going to Phoenix Drop like you wanted, when you were asleep and I took you out of your cell and brought you here in a golden lasso." I answered, it took me a while but I decided I'm going to tell her. "And there's one more thing..." I said as I leaned in close.

Destiny's POV

"I think I'm in love with you..." Zane said leaning in, I knew what he was doing I started to lean in to kiss him back but I remembered and backed away towards the door changing my appearance with my majicks as I stepped out and ran into the forest. By the time I saw anything I was in an Okasis guard uniform with a helmet. I looked in the distance and saw a village.

"We were close to Phoenix Drop." I mumbled when I saw Zane chasing me on a horse, and I ran I ran to Phoenix Drop and climbed the gates and as soon as I was over hid behind the walls. "I love you too Zane, and that's why I'm doing this.." I sobbed as I started crying into my hands and I set my helm next to me when someone approached me, I ignored them and kept crying. They nudged me and I looked up, I can't believe he's alive and in Phoenix Drop! "Garroth." I sobbed jumping up to hug him.

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