(4) Theatre Troubles

Start from the beginning

"Yes," He tells me, "I remember how much you love it and I decided to keep it for something special, and well, tonight I think it would really be the icing on the cake."

"Sam I... I don't think I should wear it. It's too special." I tell him, shaking my head slightly.

He takes a step towards me holding it in the box, "Trust me," He starts, then takes the piece in his hands, looking down at it. "You will look even more beautiful than you already are, Grace, just believe me."

I gasp ever so slightly as he places the piece in my hair, and I grin at him. "Thank you." I tell him, then smile goofily.

"I was right," He says, "Take a look for yourself."

I turn around and walk over to the mirror at our front door, looking at myself. Surprisingly, the hair piece was actually sitting really nicely in my curled hair, and did compliment my outfit rather well. I could see Sam behind me in the mirror, and his smile was gushing.

"You're amazing." I say, turning around. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I shout, running and hugging him tightly.

Sam grins and hugs me back as tight, "That's alright," He pulls away, "I hope you have an amazing time tonight. You deserve it."

"I hope I will. Oh and... don't wait up." I say, winking then walking over to the front door.

He lifts his hand in a wave, and I do the same.

"Have an awesome time." He says, tucking his hand into his pocket, and I grin.

"Bye," I say, smiling and closing the door quickly.

I arrive in the lobby of my apartment building to see Kate sitting on a chair by the entrance.

I walk over to her from the elevator and she notices me straight away, her eyes widening just like my best friend's did not so long ago.

"Grace... oh my god." She says, "I mean uh..." She blushes and looks at the ground.

Only now do I take in what she is wearing. Her dress is light pink and strapless, which is pretty much skin tight until the skirt, which is floaty and goes to just above her knees. She holds a white blazer over her right arm, and her shoes are white heels, which compliment her small figure.

"You look beautiful." I say, holding out a hand for her to take.

She takes it, standing up and smiling at me, the blush in her cheeks fading.

"Thank you, so do you." She replies and grins, and I do the same.

"Now let's go, we have a show to get to." I tell her, and she grins, following me out the glass door of the apartment building.

We are going to a contemporary rendition of Romeo and Juliet, and to be honest I was quite excited to see this, it was supposed to have a comedic take to it, as well as being a modern version of the classic.

We arrive slightly early at the theatre, which isn't very full yet.

"Do you want to get some drinks at the bar?" Kate asks as we enter the building.

My cheeks instantly flush, and I gulp. I try to keep calm with my answer. "Sure," I say simply, as it's probably as much as I can say at that very moment.

Kate doesn't notice my sudden nervousness, which I'm glad of, and we make our way to the bar.

"So, what'll it be?" Kate asks and stands at the bar, looking up at me.

"Just a coke for me." I say, and Kate frowns.

"Aren't you going to have something a little stronger?" She asks, seemingly peering at me.

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