Chapter Four: It's Okay To Be Happy

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Chapter Four: It’s Okay To Be Happy

After our dip in the stream, Teren and I took our time, walking back to the ranch at a regular pace. We stopped to look over at some cattle munching nearby, none of the docile beasts seemingly worried in the least about the mythical monsters just a few feet away from them. We held hands while we strolled along, enjoying the quiet of just being together, of just being husband and wife for a minute and shutting off that portion of our minds that were constantly in parent-mode.

By the time the gleaming red tiles of the ranch came back into view, our wet hair was mostly dry, mine just a little damp at the ends. Our toddlers rushed out to see us, Alanna watching them from a shaded corner of the building. Since our children had our level of limitations, or lack thereof, they could enjoy the sunshine like any human. Alanna hadn’t ended up so lucky in that department, and while she could be in the sun for short doses, it bothered her after awhile, and she had to find cover.

When our children reconnected with us, jumping into our arms, she waved and headed back into the house. She had a small, knowing smile on her lips and I was pretty sure that she knew exactly what we’d been doing during our extended absence. I tried to not be too embarrassed about it, since she knew what we were going through, having had a superfast, super-hearing toddler herself. Plus, Alanna would never make me feel uncomfortable about all of the things she saw or heard, which was unfortunately quite a bit, since she’d been present for the beginning of the creator-createe bond. She was very gracious in that respect. I adored her all the more for it.

Dinner was at dusk, when Imogen could freely and painlessly join us. Light conversations and warm laughter filled the spacious dining room and it seemed a little miraculous to me that there had ever been a time when tension and turmoil had filled this room, back when Teren and the others had been desperately searching for a way to save me and the children from an unpredictable fate.

As everyone but Jack enjoyed a little plasma refresher, my happy and healthy children ducked out into the ski lodge-like living room to play.

Leaning back in our chairs, I felt an odd tension start to build. Looking at Teren’s parents, my enhanced sight saw a slight furrow in each brow line. “What is it?” I asked hesitantly.

Imogen sighed and I shifted my attention over to her. “We need to prepare you, both of you, for something that will be happening soon.”

Knowing how quickly life could shift on you, I instantly felt ice flood through my veins. Hearing my own heartbeat pick up, I looked between all of the loved ones seated around the table.

Furrowing his own brow, Teren put an arm around my shoulders, silently comforting me. “Is it time…already?” he asked quietly.

Alanna and Jack gazed at each other for a moment before Alanna swung her eyes over to her son. “Another year, maybe two, but there are preparations to make, as you know.”

Teren nodded, then looked down. Confused, and a little annoyed at what they all knew that I didn’t, I felt a pout form on my lips. Knowing I was probably a mirror image of my daughter, I shook my head. “What are you talking about?”

Teren looked up and squeezed my shoulder. “They need to leave this ranch.”

My mouth dropped open as my gaze flicked around the room, taking in the beauty of it. I’d gotten so used to them being here that a part of me couldn’t imagine them gone. But I also knew that as a part of their never-ending charade to pass as human, they had to move around, so the girls’ unchanging appearance was never questioned.

Even as secluded as they were, people talked, and Alanna and her siblings, as they were being sold to the world, would attract attention soon for their seemingly unending youth. This group tried to avoid attracting attention, and Jack moved with his “new” bride to one of several similar ranches they had around the country. Teren was still young enough that his appearance wasn’t an issue with him…yet. 

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