Chapter 23: What Family Does

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Chapter 23: What Family Does

Once Nika had her reunion, the rest of the family loved on Julian. As he noisily slurped down a steaming cup of cocoa, Mom and Ash alternated in planting him with kisses. Jack had tears in his eyes as he clapped Teren on the back.

I could see the rings of exhaustion in Teren’s eyes as he smiled back at Jack. I imagined from the look on his face that when Teren did finally succumb to sleep, he was going to stay in it for awhile. As my hands never strayed far from Julian, I wondered if I’d be able to relax enough to sleep. I didn’t want to lose a second with him. I’d lost too many all ready.

Jack beamed down at Teren. “You did it, son.” He shook his head, weariness in his eyes too. “I’m sure I don’t want to know all the details of what went down tonight…but I am so very proud of you.”

Teren swallowed and looked away, towards his son. “Thank you,” he whispered to his dad.

I smiled at the three generations of amazing men in my life, then wrapped my arms around Teren’s waist. He smiled at me, his gaze not leaving Julian. I had a feeling that those watchful eyes that I loved wouldn’t be straying long from our son for awhile. “Are you alright?” he asked, darting a quick glance at me from the corner of his eye.

Laying my head on his shoulder, I waited for the aches and pains that would have come with my human body after a night like tonight. I should have had a bruised hip, a cracked skull and an aching jugular. I felt fine though. Not even trace of pain lingered in my recently brutalized body. Thank god for super healing. Definitely my favorite new ability.

Nuzzling my head in his neck, I murmured, “I’m great…I’m perfect.”

“I know,” he whispered, smiling into my hair as he planted a kiss on my head.

Clutching him tighter, I felt the emotional drain of the past few days leeching strength from my body. That was one thing that super healing didn’t fix. A body needing rest wasn’t broken, even if it felt that way. I yawned, covering my mouth at the last second.

A chain reaction of yawns went around the room, my kids the last to give into it. I laughed lightly and smiled at the warmth and peace I felt. Chuckling himself, Teren went over to pick up Julian. Removing the mug that he was now licking clean, Teren propped him over his shoulder. Julian giggled, the long-absent sound tightening my stomach.

Nika laughed too, feeling joy from her brother instead of the constant state of terror that he had been in. Clapping her hands, she raised them to Teren. “Me too, Daddy.”

Grinning ear to ear, Teren leaned down and lifted her, easily plopping her over his other shoulder.

“Alright,” he laughed, twisting the kids around in a half circle, “It’s time for munchkins to go to bed. Give everybody goodnight kisses.” He started to parade them around the room but Julian squirmed and sat up straight.

Teren adjusted his hold on him, careful to not drop Nika in the process. His son’s pale eyes widened and glistened as his arms went around Teren’s neck. I stepped forward and rubbed his back, my brow furrowed. He was obviously upset about something, more than just being told it was bedtime. He nearly looked terrified.

Nika, sensing it, raised herself up and put a hand on his shoulder.

His eyes locked on Teren, Julian whispered, “Monsters come when you lay down, Daddy.”

He started to breathe heavier, his heart starting to race. My arms were around him instantly, my fingers soothingly stroking through his hair as I suddenly understood. He’d been taken from his bed while he’d been sleeping. Then he’d largely been left alone, terrified, and now, now that he was back, he was petrified to go back to bed, afraid he’d be snatched again. Kids were resilient, but they weren’t impervious. My dead heart wanted to break in two. A little bit of his innocence had just been lost, and he wasn’t even four yet.

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