Chapter Three: Forever

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Chapter Three: Forever

A few days later, we were packing up the kids and their things for a weekend at the ranch. We tried to go out there most weekends, especially when they were in-between busy times and the hired help wasn’t around, so the toddlers could frolic and play uninhibited. There, safe at the ranch, we let the twins play to their full capacity. They loved it, loved the freedom of not having to rein in anything.

Personally, I loved it too. It was unbelievably frustrating to have to walk at a normal pace when you were in a hurry to get something. It was so hard to not blur down to the espresso stand on the corner and then blur back. I knew I could do it in the same amount of time it would have taken me to brew a pot in the break room, but I wasn’t going to blow my cover for coffee…even really good coffee.

Pulling out my daughter’s favorite fuzzy pink blanket and my son’s must-have fire truck, I shoved both coveted items in an overnight bag for them. I followed that up with about six pairs of clothing changes; the kids got remarkably dirty playing out in the countryside.

Teren slipped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I shivered as his cool breath tickled me. “You know, we could always leave them overnight and go on a date.”

I twisted to look back at him. “An overnight date?”

He smiled and nodded, holding me tighter. Cocking an eyebrow, he added, “You wouldn’t have to worry about being quiet.”

I flushed and smacked his chest, then thought about it. We hadn’t spent a night apart from them since they’d been born. Sure, we’d gone on dates - a movie here, dinner there, drinks with Hot Ben and Tracey - but we kept it to a three or four hour maximum. Maybe it was because they were so young, maybe it was because I missed being with them for the bulk of the day while I was at work, or maybe it was just because I was a first time mom, but the thought of them being gone an entire night tightened my stomach.

I bit my lip and shook my head, tears even stinging my eyes at just the thought of not hearing them say goodnight to each other. Teren cupped my cheek as he watched the emotion flood my face. “Not yet…they’re not ready. They’re still too young.”

He smiled crookedly, clearly knowing that I meant that I wasn’t ready, but he didn’t call me on it. Instead, he only kissed me softly. Our tender moment was interrupted by a set of giggles at the door. We both twisted to look at the children we both knew were there, watching.

Nika held her hand over her mouth as she laughed. Julian tilted his head, curious. Smiling at them, I asked, “Are you two ready to go?”

Julian dashed off to their bedroom, but Nika stayed, pouting. “Can we bring Spike, Mommy?”

I walked over to her, frowning. Explaining the situation to a toddler was tricky. Halina had a thing for dogs. I really didn’t want to freak out my daughter by telling her that though. She loved Spike. She loved Halina. Just as I was about to tell her that Spike would want to stay home, Teren walked over and squatted in front of her. “Do you really want him to come?” he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She nodded, cupping her hands together in a prayer position. “Please, Daddy?”

I glanced over at the big bad vampire literally melting into putty for his daughter. He grinned, ruffling her hair. “I think we can do that.”

She squealed and flung her arms around him. From down the hall I heard Julian hoot his agreement, exclaiming, “Thank you, Daddy.” Nika repeated the sentiment and dashed off to join her brother, gathering the rest of their treasures.

As Teren stood, I put my hands on my hips, a playful smirk on my face. He looked over my expression and shrugged. “She did the hand thing. How am I supposed to say no to that?”

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