Yes, We Do Have A Plan

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I turn to face Lance. He looks trapped. Oh...he has no idea.

"'re the Bristills' son," I say, trying to keep my tone civil while the gears in my brain turn at lightning speed, reaching an unbearable conclusion.

"Yes," his sister, whose name I don't know, answers, "parents don't have to adopt a child in the same gender category as their own. The Bristills wanted two girls, so they rejected Lance. Everyone else rejected him because of...well...whatever gene made him attracted to older women." Lance's face turns read. It's going to be red with blood if he doesn't say something soon.

"And Raven...Raven replaced you?" I ask, my composure starting to fail me.

"She did," Lance admits. He doesn't sound guilty. Then again, neither did Will. And I never has. It doesn't mean he's innocent and it doesn't mean he doesn't have remorse.

I do not like his circumstances though.

"She was your mark," I guess. "You killed her."

"Well..." he begins. I don't let him. I draw my gun quick as lightning (actually a bit slower, but I'm not Wonder Woman you know) and fire at his shoulder. He cries out. I shoot Not-Cardinal too. I don't kill her, it isn't my right. I just shoot her near the Achilles tendon. I can't guarantee I hit it due to dozing off in health class a few occasions, but I definitely got her foot. She won't be walking any time soon.

The gunshots and screams awake Mr. Bristill. He sees the scene and mutters something I wouldn't even repeat to a twenty-some year old under his breath. He gets up and pulls me by my arm into the hallway.

Then we run.

Mr. Bristill drives—yes, he actually drives the car—to the hospital. I want to pick up Shain and, honestly, I want to see Will. He might be a killer and a traitor, but he didn't kill my sister, and I need someone familiar to turn to.

Oh, Shain is just going to kill Lance.

Neither me nor Mr. Bristill says a word until we reach the front desk. This includes the twenty minute drive. The streets are virtually empty. I didn't expect people to ignore such an atrocious act as the massacre enacted today. I just didn't have faith in the government to shut things down for...this.

At the front desk in the hospital lobby, I ask for Will. Shain wouldn't be listed, so no use mentioning her.

The nurse directs us to the third floor. She tells me Will was given stitches, but is fine. She expressed no knowledge that the hospital had treated a killer.

Mr. Bristill doesn't speak as he escorts me to Will's room. I don't blame him. His blood children killed his chosen children and his wife. Wow. That's a headache, and something I never thought I'd say.

Will is awake, which surprises me. I'm not surprised to see he and Shain aren't speaking. He did kill Shain's boyfriend.

Shain looks up when I come in. Will ignores me. I don't blame him. Funny, there's a lot of people I don't blame lately. I used to blame everyone. What's wrong with me?

"Jess wanted to be a doctor," Shain tells me quietly. Will pretends not to hear, but I notice him tense. Is Shain doing this on purpose? I never know with her.

"Why?" I ask.

She replies, "Both his parents, Gregarious and Carlisle Banks, were." Now I know Will's paying attention. I mean, it's his parents. I would want to know.

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