CHAPTER FOUR - Rise Of The Wolf Lord

Start from the beginning

"Timber! Henry!"

Timber looked ahead to see a group of people sprinting towards them from the far end of the hall. She felt arms flying around her neck.

"Everyone is here," said Lord Frost, coming up from behind Henry. Timber looked at everyone after hugs had been given. They all looked tired but happy.

"I can't believe you grew up here," said Xianna to Dresden and Henry. "This place is like a fairytale! It's absolutely beautiful!"

"Do you remember anythin' about livin' here, Timber?" asked Grace.

"Just the smell of marshmallows," said Timber with a grin. Henry and the others burst out laughing.

"So, why are we here?" asked Gina after the laughter died down.

"You are here at Henry's request," said Lord Frost. "We have discovered the reason for Henry's condition. Henry has a choice to make that will affect all of you so he requested you here to help him make that decision. But first, it is close to dinner time. The hall will be full of families for Sunday Dinner in a few minutes. I suggest that everyone find a seat. Do not speak to anyone outside your group and do not bring attention to Timber."

Right as the group sat down, the hall began to fill and fluffy creatures with large eyes began bringing out bread baskets and setting them on tables that had been fully occupied. Henry and Dresden seemed unfazed by the creatures as they were accustomed to them but the women looked on in awe and suppressed squeals because the creatures could only be described as cute.

"I thought only nonhumans or half-humans lived in Haven," said Ashley as she looked around.

"Throughout the rest of Haven, yes. Heiligdom is a sanctuary for small children and families as well as nonlethal creatures who are uncomfortable outside the gates," said Henry. "The city and the castle only make up about twenty-five square miles so it's roughly half the size of San Francisco. The rest of the island is open land to the south and woodland to the north. If my mother had not abandoned me, she, Charles, and Victoria would have come to live in the city. There are also human children who cannot be separated from their parents who live here. For cases like Dresden and myself, there are caregivers. They are usually mothers who lost their children but do not wish to leave. They are given time to grieve and when they are ready, they take a child. There are also several hundred who are not a part of a family but are not dangerous, so they live in the city. We also have a few adult humans who grew up within the gates with a parent who had been bitten or converted and they chose to stay. This is all they've ever known. They usually become caretakers themselves."

"Mine was a very soft-spoken, gentle woman who raised and loved me like her own and I called her 'Mom'," said Dresden fondly. "Henry's was an outspoken but kind woman who was always smiling."

"I never called her 'Mom'," said Henry. "Looking back now, I should have. She grew up here. I was her first and only charge and she treated me like a son. I don't see her anywhere, though."

"What's the difference between being bitten and converted?" asked Grace.

"Bitten is what they call it when you are bitten by a werewolf. Converted is the same thing but it's a vampire," explained Henry.

"What about full moon nights?" asked Emily. "What happens to the kids?"

"They - thank you," said Dresden when a plate was set in front of him.

It was a delicious meal with perfectly roasted pheasant topped with a chimichurri sauce resting on top of garlic mashed potatoes with the skins, with lightly buttered asparagus fresh from the garden resting on the side. There was water, goat's milk, or apple juice to drink. For Henry and Dresden, this was a visit back to their childhood. For the rest of the group, this was five-star dining. They were all very impressed with the quality of the food and it was several minutes before another word was spoken.

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