Chapter 1

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Our adventure awaits in a world that is not what all seems to be as chaos runs the street also known as corruption but this isn't the beginning so let's start six years earlier to a world somewhat peaceful to where it all starts .......


"Shut up bird I'm awake so go somewhere else for once, gosh!" Nevaeh yells out her window to a little bird on a random branch then looks at the clock.

"SHIT!" she yells again and starts to get fresh clean clothes on which is a uniform for which kinda suck for her at least. Nevaeh runs down the stairs almost tripping but caught herself on the railing. Nevaeh jump the rest of the way down to save some what of time she had left before she late for school. Nevaeh skip breakfast, brush her teeth and hair when she was done she ran to the door and locked it has she left. She sprinted to the academy.

Belfire Academy

Nevaeh made it to class on time for once she walk over to the corner of the room where most of her friends are.

"Hey you're finally on time for once should I get you a golden star for you Nev," Jax snickered thinking this is gonna get him killed.

"No I don't want a sticker and good morning to you to loser." Nevaeh replied angrily putting a fist in the air.

Jax ran to his buddy Erik yelling "Save me from this demon,"

Erik look at her and laugh and step aside saying "He is all your's to kill Nav,"

"How could you betray me I thought we were friends" Jax shocked the Erik left him to die a horrible death.

"Well we are I'm just letting you go for now." Eric replied smugly.

" I'm going to take great pleasure of killing you Loser ," Nevaeh said amusingly. Jax let out a small scream and ran to the other side of the room with Nevaeh following in hot pursuit after a couple of minutes they didn't release the bell had already rung and the Mrs.Fransen was in the front of the room until,

she yelled, "ENOUGH! The both of you act your age for once," Nevaeh went to her seat as well as Jax and he look back to see Nevaeh glaring daggers at him Jax suck his tongue out and turned around. RING RING Finally it's over and i get to go home now !

"Bye Nevaeh!" my friends call out.

"Bye guys see you tomorrow," Neveah called back as she started to walk away.

[Nevaeh's Pov]


I finally arrived home.

"I'M HOME!" I shouted to the top of my lungs but then I remember that I live alone until I hear running coming from the upstairs hallway to see my bobcat Minx coming down the stairs and pounce on me. I went down with a loud thud Minx lick my cheek like she was saying welcome home master.

"Gosh Minx your fat I need to cut off some things that I let you eat man you're heavy I feel like my ribs our breaking," I wheezed out Minx got off and went to the kitchen telling me she wants dinner now.

"Later Minx I just got home we eat together okay,"I said. Minx gave me a mean look and went to the living room instead I followed and turned on some tv. After an hour of tv I went to the kitchen with Minx batting at my feet telling me to walk faster as soon as I entered the kitchen Minx pushed past me and waited by the fridge I opened the the fridge door and earned a small mew from Minx I gave her some fresh tuna and I made me some peanut butter and jelly sandwich because I wasn't that hungry after dinner I went up stairs with Minx following me again. I went straight down and turned to the door on the right the door had my name on it in an elegant cursive I push the door open and went to my desk to turn on my laptop and check on my Wattpad story's and other stuff. I'm glad we don't have homework this week I smiled I checked the time and it was almost 9 o'clock Time to get ready to go to bed I left to take a 5 minutes shower to come back to my room seeing Minx is sleeping in my bed again. I scooted Minx over so I can have some room and started to drift into a deep sleep.


I see nothing but white until I turned around and saw .......







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