Chaper 9

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I looked at the man who beat my partner senseless.

He continuously muttered a series of profane words. I rolled my eyes inwardly as I walked over and picked up his gun.  I marveled the sleek black metal that was slightly warm because of the grip Mr.Intruder had on it minutes earlier.

I flipped the little black switch to safety and placed the barrel of the gun into the palm of my hand.

I darted my eyes over to a bleeding Zay examining his wounds in the mirror. I loudly cleared my throat to gain his attention.
After a beat he shifted his eyes in the mirror and made eye contact with me. "What?"

"Can you get me some rope, or anything similar, first aid kit with a wet towel, and a stereo. & Take it all to the living room please. Thanks." I shifted legs and gave him a quick smirk and wink.

He chuckled showing his pearly whites which momentarily paused all the evil doings we were committing and about to commit. "Looks like you're finally getting the hang of this shit."
He smacked my ass while he walked by me , making me smile a little wider.

I stalked back over to the man on the floor. He just laid there holding his leg. I placed the barrel of the slick metal into the palm of my hand again and bent down to eye level to the sweating man.
He was actually handsome. He had deep dark eyes that was conflicted with emotion..pain. He looked at me with pleading eyes, but it was a little late for that.
I drew back with all my strength and let the butt end of the gun come across his cheek.  He groaned in pain and spit out the mixture of blood and saliva.

I began my interrogation. "Who are you?"

"Someone you don't want to be fucking with." He responded dryly.

I licked my lips to try and calm my short fused patience. "Try again. Wrong answer, fuck face."

He kept the same tone of voice, "Someone you don't want to be fucking with."

I bit down on my lip in frustration. I took the handle of the gun, and hit him in the temple. His now unconscious body slumped backwards resting up against the bed.
I smirked satisfied with my work.

Now the hard part : getting this man to the living room. I really wasn't in shape to try to haul him down the hall and into the living room. I could easily call Zay because I know he wouldn't even break a sweat getting him in there, but I don't want him to think I'm weak.
I took a deep breath and hooked his arms over my forearms and began to heave him towards the door.

God, he was heavy. I decided to give myself a little pep talk.
"You're not a meatball...You got this..Just a few more steps." I kept murmuring over and over to myself until I made it to the chair in the living room. I took a deep breath and hoisted half of his body on the chair. The muscles in my upper arm were crying for relief. I used my last burst of energy to finish the job.

I fell back in the floor laboring for breath. "Ahh, Fuck!"

Zay entered laughing, "You got it there pip squeak?"

I grinned, "I think you got it from here."

He pulled 3 cable ties from the pack and placed one of them on the intruders wrists snugly and the other two on each of his ankles connecting them to each leg of the chair.

While he finished tying him up, I sauntered over to the surround system and plugged in my phone. I scrolled through my playlists until I found the one labeled "Trap Music". I certainly didn't need any sensitive shit to come on while I was interrogating. I scrolled until I found something that would be loud enough to mask the sound of gunshots, If it came to that.
I chose Blasten' by Snoop Dog & Ice Cube  and turned that shit up.

"What you know about that young blood," Zay asked smiling and nodding his head to the beat.

"Enough that I could teach you a few things..." I winked and stuck my tongue out and continued walking past them and into the kitchen. Time to wake this fucker up.
I found a medium sized, but big enough, container and filled it with cold water.

"I've never really had to deal with an unconscious person before.." I admitted to Zay when I arrived back into the living room with my container of water.

"You'll learn soon enough."

My victim woke up with a wet start, only to realized that he was tied up and face to face with yours truly.

"How was your nap, may I ask." I started the conversation with a grim smile, that probably the devil him self wore daily.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes indicating that he wasn't going to talk to me.
I rose from my seat and took a couple of strides over to the bar where his wallet, keys, phone and a pack of spearmint gum lay.

"Well, since you're not gonna talk to me, I'm gonna talk to you....I took the liberty of confiscating all of these items from you, and there was one thing that caught my eye..." I said smugly. "You brought your goddamn wallet..."
I began opening his almost completely faded brown billfold and grabbed his Driver's License. "...Devontae, you're not even from Georgia. Why are you here?"

He stared at me blankly.

I pulled out a pocket knife, flicking it open. Hopefully, this will instill a little fear into him, before I actually have to cut him, but you know niggas can't act right.

Focusing my attention back on him, I started my questions over. "Why are you here, again?"

"I was sent." he said in almost a dull tone.

"See, I knew you could act right," I said smiling, "Now, By who?"

"O2. My Boss."

After finding out a little more information, Zay and I concluded that He was sent by 02 to retrieve money that he had given to Zay when he was younger.

"Well, He ain't gonna see that shit. He GAVE that to me." Zay let this whole situation get him beyond upset.

I used Devontae's phone to text O2 indicating that we had got his message loud and clear.

Message to O2

We got your message loud and clear, O2. Your precious little "worker" spilled the beans on you. I prefer you come direct, next time, although I doubt there will be a next time. (:
See you fairly soon. ~Jah.

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