Chapter 1.

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"Ugh," I said as my alarm rang.
I've been staying up really late since I started planning this trip. I already have most of my plans in place, now, I just have to ask my parents for permission. I'm so scared that they'll say 'No', I've put in so much effort, and I really deserve the break, after all, I just finished 12 years of school.

I lazily got out of bed and got ready. Today, I'm going shopping for my trip, so no matter how tired I am, I have to get started early.
"Assalamualaikum," my mum said.

"Walaikumusalaam mummy," I replied.

"So..........what are your plans today Aleeza?" Mummy asked.

"Oh, just shopping for a trip."

"What trip is this now?"

"My overseas holiday, mummy."

"WHAT!" She screamed.

"Don't get angry please, I've been planning on asking you for months, but I was too scared," I cried out.

"So you were just planning on going without our permission?" My dad asked.

"NOOOO, I was just waiting for the right moment."

"When do you want to go on this trip, Aleeza?" Asked mummy.

"End of this month," I just managed to say.

"Well, now you're not going!" My mum screamed.

"Mummy, please don't do this!"


Hey everyone. This is the first time I'm writing a story, so it may be bad. Feel free to correct any spelling, grammatical, tense or direct speech errors, it'll be greatly appreciated as this is unedited and I don't have time to edit.

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