New Life

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Need To know
1.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
2.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
3.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
4.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
5.)this is for demon and god talking "kit"
Shoa Khan Emperor of Outworld lord of the tarkatan horde Conquer of edina was bord monumentally so beside him sat his wife and queen Sindel she had long black hair with blue eyes she herself was knitting a red scarf it was just a hobby for her for fun really as shoa khan looked at her from the corner of his eye he smiled she was what he always wanted well beside all of the realms

as sindel knitted she looked over at her husband Shoa Khan contrary to popular belief she loved him and he loved her probably more then she loved herself as she kept knitting she thought back on things but soon came back to her first husband gods she hated that man again contrary to popular belief her first husband was a perv and a money grubbing savage who coveted woman and money more then his own kingdom and wife the only reason Edina stood as long as it did under his rule and not subcome to civil war was because Shao khan invaded and claimed the place when Shao Khan first married her she thought instead of a money grubbing women taking asshole she'd get a power hunger barbarian asshole great just great but that changed after he adopted
Kitana her daughter

from her former marriage then he started trying to gain her favor first with gifts then with acts of power like taking over a fortress single handedly it never got to her until he confessed that he was in love with her at first she thought it was a trick saying "your only saying this to get a pawn" but after a few more months swooning she gave in on two conditions one that he'd take her on a date every week and two that she would lay with him when she wanted to and not before Shao Khan agreed without hesitation a couple of years passed and day by day she grew to know the emperor more abd more soon she started to fall for until she told him she loved him and that night they made love then on the next night that followed she soon came to him with news of pregnancy to say he was suprised would be an understatement he ran around his castle trying to prep a baby room much to Sindel's and Kitana's enjoyment but it all changed on the day of the birth she was snapped out of her musings when a trusted warrior reptil appeared before her husband and her she quickly put away her knitting kit and sat straight up as not to look weak in front of her husbands warriors

"Master Shao Khan, I bring something of importance before you, and requires your full attention on this matter," said Reptile, as he kneeled before the Emperor of Outworld, and holding the child out before the man.

"And this dying child? You bring this...weak thing from Earthrealm before me? For what reason Reptile?" said Shao Khan while seeing the blood from the boy staining his priceless black marble floor Sindel looked at the child with a sort of recognition she swore by the elder gods she knew him from somewhere it was as if something was annoying her in the back of her head

"He is no mere child my Emperor. I have come across something of great importance in my travels into Earthrealm," said Reptile while the Emperor did not look impressed.and sindel looked intrigued "lets hear him out koi the child may be of importance hell he may be a nobles son and if so you could use the opportunity to get some backing from the nobles to stop the pitiful rebels in the country" she said Shoa Khan nodded while scratching his chin the rebels were becoming quiet the pesky nusince some much that hjs family could not leave there palace maybe this child could help he looked at his wife then at reptil he had made up his mind

"Speak! Tell me what you've learned that it would include bringing this child to me," said Shao Khan with his guards looking ready to strike down the lizard warrior should their Emperor command it.

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