CHAPTER THREE - The City Of Heiligdom

Start from the beginning

"Unless I am mistaken, I believe that is the first documented sighting of a werewolf," said Lord Frost. "However Peter Stubbe was not a real werewolf. He only wore a pelt. I was there myself for his execution. I was just passing through the town that day. I was not even aware of what was happening until the charges were read. I will not repeat his offenses because they are far too gruesome but his execution was mild compared to his crimes."

"Wasn't it a belief of the Roman Catholic church that ex-communication led to becoming a werewolf?" asked Timber.

"Yes, but it is all folly," said Lord Frost. He began digging through parchment and unrolling them, scanning for anything useful. "Nothing. These are all useless. These are all only crimes and punishments."

"Perhaps we're looking through the wrong time period," suggested Henry. "Didn't werewolves appear earlier than that?"

"If my memory serves me correctly, werewolves first came into existence in the mid-1100s," said Lord Frost. "Fenrir was the first werewolf to exist though he did not fully transform. His condition was caused by a severe mutation that he passed down to his children. Over time, the werewolf came to be. No one knows the cause of the mutation; it is unknown even to him. There are drawings from that Era, but no writings. I do not have any drawings in my library. I do know that there are some renderings in the castle in Germany."

"I don't think those will help," said Henry. "We should look at a newer time period."

"You may be right. There is some more information on werewolves over here. I have something in the back of my mind as to what it could be but I cannot make sense of it. Maybe these will help."

Lord Frost crossed the room and grabbed a larger stack of scrolls. He, Timber, and Henry poured over them until Timber began to feel too tired to focus. She found herself reading the same line over and over again. At last she put the parchment down.

"I can't do this anymore tonight," she said with a yawn. "I can't concentrate. Is there a place Henry and I could sleep?"

"You can stay in the guest quarters," said Lord Frost. "It is usually reserved for visiting Lords and Highers from other sectors but you are my friends. You will sleep in the utmost comfort while you are here."

"Thank you," said Henry in surprise.

Lord Frost left the scrolls on the table and led Timber and Henry back up the spiral steps. They walked through the Great Hall and into the entry hall. They went through a large door and into an immaculate hallway. It was lined with grand doors and several pillars. Henry had never been here before. Lord Frost stopped in front of a door and opened it for Henry.

"This will be your room while you are here. Lord Avanti's quarters are to your right, Aiyanna and Jaci are two doors to your left and I am at the end. If you have any more symptoms tonight, wake one of us up immediately."

"I promise," said Henry.

He walked into the room and Lord Frost closed the door behind him. Henry turned on the light and Timber looked around. This was a room fit for royalty. There was a king-sized four-poster bed against the right wall and in front of them was an angled fireplace. Large windows overlooked the western part of Haven and Timber could barely make out a glimpse of a river. The floor was adorned, not with rugs, but with luxurious furs. The high ceilings were decorated with the same hammer beams that were in the Great Hall. The attached bathroom was a vision of luxury with marble floors and walls. They yawned, undressed, and crawled into the bed. It was astonishingly comfortable and as soon as her head hit the pillow, Timber fell into a dreamless sleep.

Timber was awakened by the scent of steak and eggs. She smiled, Turned, and woke up Henry with a kiss on the nose. Henry woke up and smiled back at Timber. She got up and went to the bathroom. She groaned.

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