Thug Life ( Chapter 3 Part 2 )

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* 6 months went by *

Danni's Pov ...

Shit man, its been 6 going on 7 months without my sister Kiyah. I wonder how Tavares is taking it! Nobody hasn't heard from him since Kiyah got into that accident. I guess I'll give him a call.

* calling reese *

Danni: Hello

Reese: Wassup Danni ?

Danni: Damn stranger, What happend ?

Reese: Lol, nothing just be in the studio lately. How's Kiyah?

Danni: Oh, and She doing good. Just went to go see her yesterday.

( a girl in reese background says: bae, who you on the phone with? )

Danni: Um, who THE FUCK was that?! Tavares, are you fuckin' cheating on my sis?

Reese: The fuck? man that was nobody, I'll never do that to her especially when she's in the hospital.

Danni: Man whatevea. You said that the first time!

* she hangs up *

Danni didnt believe anything Tavares says since he just lied to her on the phone. It was like ever since I got in that accident everything went downhill. You got Toya and Keith fighting and shit, Then you got Durk and Nikki steady arguing. Lolo cant take it. They are trying their best to rise him right but with all this shit going on with killing, selling durgs, fast money, and these hoes. Durk and Keith needa stop with that shit.

Durk's Pov ...

Man, Nikki been gettin' on my ass lately. She know's that I take care of Lolo but she gettin' mad cause these hoes comin' and Im fuckin' em. They ain't shit to me but some thots (hoes) that give me head. She now I love her she been there through it all. But I needa stop that shit.

( durk phone started ringing )

Durk: Who this?

Unknown: Damn, you forgot about yo nigga? This Tray Savage

Durk: Oh shit, wassup bruh?

Tray Savage: Nothing bro, but aye I need you to handle something for me.

Durk: What is it?

Tray Savage: Remember when You and da guys and yall girls was out on the field shootin' dem niggas and that opp nigga Sw@gg ran away from the scene ?

Durk: Hell yeah.

Tray Savage: So he back on da block. I knew yall had some unfinished business to do.

Durk: Dont worry bro, we got this. You gon be on da scene with us?

Tray Savage: Yeah.

Durk: Ight bro. Holla at me later.

Tray Savage: 300 !

* hangs up *

Durk was calling the squad, but only one person didnt pick up was Tavares. Tavares saw the missed calls but didnt bother to call them back. So they sent him a message, he texted back saying okay. Shamir couldn't wait until it started cause he still remember when Sw@gg shot him.

Tavares Pov ...

I feel really bad for lien to Danni like that, even though she knew I was lien. Shit Kiyah been it that hospital for bout 6 months goin' on 7 now and I needed some sex! But the girl that I fucked fell in love and I stared catching feelings. I do not need Kiyah knowing about this.

Reese new gf: Reese?

Reese: What Tasha?

Tasha: I got somethin' to tell you

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