Part 4 -showers-

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Keegan's POV
I woke up in a grey room because of sunlight seeping through a window. I blink sleepily and I wince in pain as I try and get up only to get frustrated and lye back down. I hear a snore from above me "Hello?" I say and then I hear a grunt and cough and see Gideon's face pop up above me from the top bunk "Hi" his voice was husky and low and his British accent was deep. If I wasn't so badly injured I'd probably pounce on him. His hair was messy and it looked like he hasn't slept that well for a few days.

"You look like shit" I laugh but groan in pain and Gideon jumps down from the bunk "thanks you too" he replies and he chuckled. "What you want for breakfast" he asks "Pancakes and eggs and toast and some apple juice" I say and he looks at me with a weird look. "What?" I say and he smirks "nothin' just nothing" he smirks and walks out. Mitchell walks in and takes a seat "what happened to you?" He asks concern and worry in his voice "I don't want to talk about it" I say and roll over the other way facing the wall "You have to talk about it at some point" Mitchell trails and I feel my anger boil "If I don't want to fucking talk I don't have to" I spat at him I roll back over to face him. He has his hands up in fake surrender "sorry it's just that I don't feel ready enough" I say and he nods his head in understanding "ok but if you need anything or anyone to talk to I'll be here" he gives me a kiss on my forehead as Gideon walks in and places the plates on the table so harshly I'm surprised they didn't break "I told you not to steal her away from me mate" he says his accent still deep but his eyes are darken "Gideon I wasn't doing nothing" Mitchell says "Yeah he wasn't Gid just comforting me" his glare switches from Mitchell to me "shut it" he orders and I look at Mitchell who looks at me before backing away and hurrying out the door.

"What the hell was that!" Gideon exclaims I sigh and sit up wincing but managing "you don't gotta be so protective" I say and Gideon's jaw clenches "yes I do" he says before walking out. I sigh angrily and grab my plate of food and eat in silence. I look at my bloodstained clothes folded on the table and I look at what I'm wearing which is a pair of black sweats and an Atlas top which was probably Ilona's. I look at my arms and see they are bandaged and I look at my stomach which was also bandage but I feel a bit of substance drop down my shirt staining it red and I lift up my shirt and see I'm not wearing a bra and a cut isn't bandaged up but it was deep and stung when I touched it which was on my right breast and it was small but noticeable if you looked closely. I pull off the bandages on my arms and wince as it caught my wound and take off the bandages on my stomach. I walk to the showers and feel a little bit dizzy but walk into the shower room. Except I didn't know which one I walked into and I hear Brock's voice and I stand there frozen in my spot until I feel a hand come over my mouth and I squirm until the captor releases his hand. "What the fuck are you doing in the men's showers!" Gideon whisper yelled at me "I didn't know this was the men's I got dizzy and walked in" I say staring at his eyes and he blinks and coughs and I look down holy shit!.

Stop thinking dirty people!! It's not gonna be dirty and NO GIDEON AIN'T GONNA GET 'IT' well not yet anyway ;)

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