Chapter Three - The Performance

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It was Thursday, 6:30pm. Thirty minutes till Jeff's performance. I was so excited, especially because he invited me along to the concert. I put on a Led Zeppelin T-Shirt with the fallen angel on it, some jeans, an army coat and my boots. I hoped he would like my outfit, I washed the Led Zeppelin shirt especially for him. Maybe that sounded a little crazy. Oh well. I didn't do anything with my hair or makeup, my hair was looking good today so I just left it. As I was walking downstairs to the coffee shop I noticed how packed it was in there.

"Wow!" I thought "He must be a big hit".

I struggled into the coffee shop and looked for a seat. The loud chatter of the coffee shops was giving me anxiety so I tried to find a more quiet area. I found a seat near the stage which surprisingly wasn't too crowded. I sat there and waited, tapping my foot, imagining how his concert was going to be. Then I saw him on stage.He was looking just as cute as usual. He was setting up his equipment so it was easier to access. As he was moving around his foot pedals he noticed me sitting quite close to the stage. He smiled at me and waved. I was totally shocked he remembered me and waved back, with a smile possibly too big. He continued to set up and then he ran offstage again.

"Why am I falling for someone I hardly know?" I thought to myself. "Out of all the people in the world, out of all my friends, I fell for this one. He might even have a girlfriend for all I know. I never thought of that. What if he has a girlfriend? What am I going to do? I must refrain myself for falling for him. I mus-"

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen" Jeff said in his soft, sweet voice.

I didn't even notice him coming back out on to the stage.

"I would like to sing one of my new songs for you all today" He said smiling at me and then to the crowd.

He started to play his soothing music. I got lost in the music. It was so perfect.

"Don't want to weep for you

Don't want to know

I'm blind and tortured

The white horses flow

The memories fire

The rhythms fall slow

Black Beauty I love you so..."

After he finished the performance he came off stage and approached me.

"You made it" he said.

"Yep, I said I would" I said slightly giggling

"So what did you think? Did you like my songs?" he asked.

"To be completely honest with you" I said, "I thought it was absolutely wonderful, I love everything about your music".

"Thank you, it really means a lot to hear that" he said, smiling more than ever. "Are you going to stick around? I can buy you a coffee"

"Yeah sure, I'll stick around!" I said.

"Especially for you" I thought to myself.

"Wow, thank you" he said, blushing.

"Did I say that aloud?" I asked, worried.

"Yes you did. But don't feel embarrassed, I thought it was truly nice" he replied.

I spent the rest of the night with Jeff, discussing all things. Jeff was just as great as I thought he would be, possibly even better.

At 10pm Jeff walked me to my apartment. When we got there we stood at the door and then I said "Thank you so much, Jeff. This night has possibly been one of the best nights I've had."

"I am very honoured to make you so happy" he said, smiling and staring deep into my eyes.

"Jeff?" I asked.

"Yes, Amélie" he replied.

"Would you like to hang out with me this week?" I asked, anxiously.

"Of course. You're such a sweet girl, of course I would" he replied.

I blushed profusely and smiled "Thank you very much" I said.

"Thank you" he replied "Here, let me get you my number"

He put his hand into his pocket to find something to write his number onto and then pulled out a small piece of paper. He scribbled his number down and handed to me.

"Okay, well I better get going. Goodbye Amélie" he said and then gave me a small peck on the cheek

"Goodbye Jeff. Thank you again." I said trying to hide how incredibly happy I was.

Eternal Life - A Jeff Buckley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now