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"What?" Everyone said, Scarlet and Louis where snickering.

"Kate is not my sister, She is my daughter" Zayn said.

"I didn't even know she was your sister" Niall said.

"Now Kate" Scarlet said as she grabbed Kate's arm.

"Let me go" She stated.

"Not until you tell them" Scarlet said.

"NEVER" Kate said and ran out of the door but Louis grabbed her.

"Let Me Go" She Said Coldly.

Louis Let go when she stepped on him foot, Hard.

She ran and ran.....And Ran.

She ran to a house, there was a man, She killed him, without a second in between.

The man fell to the ground, Kate walked up the stairs.


I Ran up the stairs, then the door busted open, It was Harry, I could tell, the smell, Everything.

I walked slowly down the stairs, he didn't see me.

"Kate? I know your in here" He shouted.

I hopped on to his back.

" There you are" He said.

He grabbed me and he pulled me to his chest.

"Come here you" He said and he kissed me, He picked my legs up and he wrapped them around his tourso.

He Pulled away....

"I've Never really found someone that I knew that I loved, I think you are the first" He said.

"I love you" he added

"I L...Love you to" I stuttered

"Why did you stutter?" He said

"H..Harry.." I was cut off.

"You Don't love me do you" He said as he let go fo my legs and they touched the ground.

"H...Harry of course I love you, it's Just We can't Love each other"

"Why" He said

"Because" I said

"Because why" He said.

"Because we just can't" I said

"Why?" He said again.

"Because, You don't love me, you say you do but you don't,  if you just knew, you wouldn't love me" i said

"Knew What?!" He said.

"I'm Sorry" I said and ran out of the house.


What the fuck is she talking about?

She dosn't love me............I know it.

I knew it, i shouldn't have fell for a damn human.

well now she is a vampire, why can't she say that she loves me to?

I flashed to house, Louis, Scarlet where still there and Niall and Liam and Zayn where there too.

"What did Kate not tell me" I said to Louis and Scarlet.

"Oh she didn't tell you yet?  Some girlfriend" Scarlet said.

"she is not my girlfriend, What is the Secret?" I said

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