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I don't know what to call this Chapter ;)

I want to thank @aryingoodwill!!!!! So much for this idea!!!!!

Enjoy you wired readers


Kate's POV:

Do I go?

Do I not?

What happens if I go?

What happens if I don't go?

I wish there was a girl I could ask.


I have Liam and Niall!!!

A.K.A: the best guy experts ever!

I walked down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen, I saw Liam and Niall.....snogging

"Umh guys? Can I ask you something?" I asked walking in the BEUTIFUl white kitchen.

'Yeah" they said pulling away.

"Louis and Harry were fighting and I said that I didn't like them, witch Is a lie, and Louis gave me a note, saying that he was sorry, and that he wants to meet me outside if I feel the same way, but I don't know'I said

"How do you feel about both of them?" Liam said

"Harry, he is rough and sexy, and passonite,

Louis, he is gentle, and cute, and sweet" I said

"Well, what is the harm in going?"

Niall said

"Well, Harry said that it is dangerous to be outside at night" Liam said

"You need to go tho!" Liam said "Why?" ; I asked

"Because Louis, he cares about you" Liam said

"How would you know?" I said

"He talks to me Kate" he said

"I'll go"I said

"Good, because he is waiting" Liam said

I walked to the door.

I tried to open the door.

No luck

"Liam, Niall do you have the keys? I asked

"They dont, I do" Someone said

I turned my head.....


"You are not saposte to be going outside" Harry said

"But....but" Liam stuttered

"Shut up! I know your gay!" Harry said hiding his face.

The two boys stood there with there mouths wide open.

"Guys? I said looking out the window.

"I can't believe I hired 2 gay boys" Harry said

"Shut up! Just because we gay didn't change anything"

Liam said

"Guys!"I said

They ignored me.

"You don't have any room to talk back, slave"

Harry said

"GUYS!!!!!!". I yelled

"What!" They all yelled at me "Look outside!" I said

There was a girl with a jean jacket, and dark blue jeans.

Harry's POV:

I looked out the window.










A werewolf, Scarlet

I opened the door.

"Kate stay in here" I said pushing he to side.

"Hello Harry" scarlet said with a smirk

"What do you want" I said coldly

"I want the little human"

she said

"No, she belongs to me'

I said

"Yeah, I got the point she yours, but I want her, I want her NOW!" she said

"And what makes you think I will give her to you?" I said

"I will snap my little fingers, and you will be killed" she said


"Love? I can't be killed" I said

"I will make your life a living hell" she said

"It already is" I said

"Smart ass" she said back

"You can't play with my life now" I said

"I will kill you, and your little girlfriend too!" She said and ran off

"Harry, I'm sorry, I didn't know she would come, I'm sorry" Louis cried

"I made a rule not to go outside, because if 'them' now they know where we live, they will try to hurt Kate" I said

"I'm sorry Harry, I really am" Louis pleaded once more

"You could have got Kate killed if she went out here" I said

"I'm sorry" Louis said once more.

"It was Liam's idea!" Louis said

.Louis I don't care, just go inside" I said

"I could have killed her anyway" Louis said

"She is just a normal human...right?" He said

"No....she is my..... EX werewolf girlfriend" I said

"Oh" everybody says

"She said she would hurt anyone who tried to love me" I said

"Harr...." Louis said but I cut him off

"Everyone go inside and stay inside" I said

Everyone walked into the house.

"Everyone go up into your rooms, and stay there for safety reasons" I said

Everyone nodded and walked up to there rooms.

I walked in and Kate stood there.

"Didn't I just say to go up to your room?" I asked

"Yeah, but I wasn't listening" she said into my ear

A shiver was sent down my back.

Stop it" I said

"But I like to do this" she said

She put her arms around my neck.

"Stop turning me on" I said

"But why?" She said

"You will leave me when I'm all turned on" I say

"But........I really want you too" she said

"You do?'' I said

"Yes Harry, I have wanted you ever sence I saw you through the window, I knew you where dangious, but I didn't care" she said


Hope you enjoy

;) ;)

Bye my prettys.

Dark Dark House (one direction fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang