Shes mine

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She's mine.

Wow 208 reads

Thanks you guys!!!

Thx to everyone that commented!!!


Louis POV:

Harry is going to die!!!!

I walked away from Niall and Liam.






I busted into Harry's room.

"You bastard!" I screamed

"What did I do?" He said

"You had ear sex with Kate, you fag!" I yelled and picked Harry up and threw him across the room.

"I thought you where my friend you faggot! You know I like her!! And then you go off and have fucking ear sex with her!!!!" I yelled.

"Dude! I can do what I want, and I really don't like it when people push me around!" Harry yelled back at me while slamming me into a wall

"Why the fuck do you care!" Harry said

"Because, I like Kate! I want her to be mine" I said

"Oh shut the fuck up, she's mine" Harry said

The word 'mine' made me really mad.

I threw punches at Harry's face, and stomach.

He threw me at a wall agian, and let me just say, it hurt like hell.

"Faggot!" I yelled at him as I Ramed my knee In to his crouch.

"Holy shit! You ass hole" he said falling to the ground.

He stood back up and he pushed me agenced a wall and he continuteisly threw me across the room.

"Guys stop it!!!" Zayn said

"Not untill this faggot is died!" Harry said

Zayn continued talking and shit.

Harry threw me across the room, a picture frame broke form where my head hit it.

"She's mine" Harry said

"You can't say she is yours!" I said but was cut off.






"STOP IT!" We heard a girl yell

Kate to be Exact.

"Shut up!" Harry yelled not k owing it was Kate

Kate's eyes where tearing up.

"You bastard! You can't tell a girl to shut up" I said to Harry.

"Kate, I'm sorry....."harry said but was cut off.

"Save it Harry, and for your information, I don't like any of you! You're monsters! " She said and ran off crying.

"Good job dick" I said

"She doesn't like any of us thanks to you!" Harry said!

"Shut up dick breath" I said and walked out

I walked down to Niall.

He wasn't there, dammit, hey there's Liam.

"Hey peasant! I said and ran to him

"Yea?" Liam said

"Kate is mad at me, how do I fix it?" I said

"Bring her on a date, and tell her how you feel" he said

"Where can I take her on a date? Where in the middle of nowhere" I said

"And we can't leave the house" I added

"At night, y'all could go outside, but don't tell Harry, or anyone and you could light candles" liam said

"Wow, that was deep" I said

"Thanks" Liam said

"Thanks, peasant" I said

"Bye Louis" he said.

I went to my room, and started to think.

I could go ask her?

I could?

I could ?

I could write her a really deep note that way Harry could not hear me talking to her.

I got a peace of paper and started to write.

I've liked you from the day I laid my eyes on you, you are my other half. You probily don't feel the same way, an if you don't, I'm ok with That, but if you do please met me in the backyard near oak tree.


I folded the peace of paper and put it in a envelope.

I wrote 'Kate' on it.

I walked to where Kate's door was and I slid the note under her door.

I walked back to my room, and sat in my chair and Waited.










Comment if you think Kate should go with Louis?

Or could she have feelings for harry?

Or zayn?




What do you thing? Comment below

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Maybe? Please?

Dark Dark House (one direction fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora