37- True Love

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"King got fired," I grin at Scott as I crawl into the tree house where we had agreed to meet tonight.

"Really? That's great," He says, matching my grin as I walk over to him and greet him with a deep kiss.

"Yeah, it was on the school website earlier today. With all of the public scrutiny the school was under after the video, it didn't take them long to realize that it was either keep Sebastian at the school or keep the prestigious reputation for the school, so it's bye-bye pervert," I explain. "We really did it."

"I knew that you would," He says to me with a small laugh before kissing me again. "I'm really happy for you, Joey."

"Thank you," I pipe. "And with Jasper and Conner officially together and my winter expo submission finished, I feel like eighty percent of the stress in my life is just gone."

"You submitted your winter expo thing? I didn't know that you finished it."

"I finished it on Wednesday, submitted it on Thursday," I tell him, feeling proud of that. I had spent a lot of time working out all of the details of the collection and it's finally done now, which is amazing.

"Can I see it?" He wonders.

I pretend to think for a minute before letting out a dramatic sigh. "I suppose. You can't tell anybody though, because I don't show just anybody. Unless I don't get in, then I'll show everyone after that."

"You'll get in," He assures me as I grab my bag from where I put it on the ground after getting into the tree house and pull out my laptop where I have the collection saved. "What's this one called?"

As I'm going through my computer to find the folder that holds the collection, I glance up at him as I say, "Look of Love."


"Yeah. My last collection was so dark and ugly, so I wanted this one to be beautiful. And the most beautiful thing that I could think of was you, but sending them six pictures of you probably wouldn't get me into the expo. So then I started thinking about when you're the most beautiful."

"And what did you find?" He wonders quietly.

I glance over at him, looking away from the computer now. "I found that there's nothing more beautiful in this entire universe than the way you look at me. The way that I look at you. It's in all of the pictures that I take of us. Love. It's love."

I show him the folder that holds all of the pictures that I take of him and us together. The pictures from the soccer game last weekend are in there too, along with the pictures that we took at the makeshift fancy dinner with the clumpy mushroom sauce and breadless chicken. But most of the pictures are of Scott or Scott and me.

"I didn't realize that you take so many pictures," He mutters with a small smile.

"Well, as a photographer, it is my duty to capture the beauty in this world," I explain. "And as I said, you're the most beautiful thing ever to me. Okay, so anyway, I knew that I wanted to capture love, but I wasn't sure how. I could capture the different types of love like family, romantic, friendship, because they're all valid forms of love. Or I could capture the different stages of romantic love like the first date, first kiss, proposal, and stuff like that. Eventually, I chose the second one. So, here it is."

I then open the folder that holds the Look of Love collection and I open up the first image.

1- Very rarely do I use people that I know in my photography, but since Conner and Jasper had just went on their first date, I thought that it was appropriate to use them, so the first picture is of Conner and Jasper sitting at a small two person table that's romantically decorated with a black table cloth, a long candle and a rose, and they're holding hands over the table. Conner just said something really funny so Jasper has his head thrown back laughing and Conner is looking at Jasper with a small smile, laughing with Jasper. They look so happy and it's so beautiful.

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