#1 Fortune Cookie

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Jack's POV

I made one piece of fortune cookie for her in 2 minutes, since it's hard to harden the cookie and put a paper in it.

My girlfriend came home. Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm in her house, without her knowing. "Hey beautiful." I called with a compliment.

She gasped slightly. "Woah, I didn't know you're here." She said.

"Oh well... I missed my girlfriend from her work." I muttered.

"Oh, how sweet of you." She said pinching my cheek. "So what makes you came here?" She asked me.

"Nothing." I answered, smiling ear to ear, which I just do sometimes. "Wanna go out for a movie with me?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry I can't. I'm just tired from my work." She answered tiredly as she sat down on the nearby couch.

I sat down beside her. "Aww that's okay. Don't worry, I'm here for you." I assured her.

"Thanks, Jack." She thanked as we stared at each other for a while.

"Oh, uhmm... Care for a cookie?" I asked, snapping out of my thought.

"Sure." She answered as I ran through the kitchen to get the fortune cookie.

When I got back and gave her the cookie and she raised a brow. "Fortune cookie? Seriously?" She asked, laughing.

"Yep. Because I know you do believe in fortune." I answered and reasoned with a grin.

"Do I?" She asked holding the cookie.

"Maybe." I hesitated. I don't really know if she do believes or not.

She cracked the cookie apart, while I, on the other hand was just eager for her to see the note. Since there's 'Will you marry me' written by me.

But then, she handed me the paper from the cookie and ate the entire cookie. "Nah, I don't believe in fortunes, Jack." She said, making me pout, feeling disappointed at myself.

"But hey, The cookie is delicious. Thanks Jack!" She complimented out of blue.

I smiled slightly. "Why aren't you believing in fortunes?" I asked.

"Because I once got a cookie and it writes 'Good luck is coming your way' but when I walked down the sidewalk, a car passed by me, making the dirty puddles from the road flew through my clothes, so yeah..." She told me.

I chuckled. "Oh, so that's why you have a muddy clothes yesterday, huh?" I asked.

"Yep." She answered.

She smiled, making my heart melt like a butter. I ain't giving up on you. I promise you'll be Mrs. Frost. But I had to propose to you secretly. So since this plan failed, time for Plan B!

You are my one and only (Jackunzel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu