[1] Moving to Seattle

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"[Name], get up! Your flight leaves in two hours!" screamed your mother. You scrambled out of bed in your black sweatpants and tanktop and began getting dressed. 

Luckily for you, your suitcases were already packed. You rushed into the bathroom and started brushing your [h/l] [h/c] hair, teeth, and putting on some deoderant. You were wearing some loose black jeans, a black sweater, and your black combat boots. It was a lazy and sloppy looking outfit, but you could care less. Your flight left in two hours, at 8:00 a.m. If you missed that one, there wouldn't be another one for two hours. That meant that you would get to Seattle at 2:00 p.m. instead of 12:00 p.m. You had scheduled a meeting with the owner of the apartment complex in Seattle at 1:00 p.m., so you couldn't miss your flight.

"Mom, gimme some cash!" you ordered, running over to your mom.

"How much, honey?" she asked politely.

"Like $500 should be good," you smiled.

"Ha ha ha. Nice try. I'll give you $200. Don't lose it," she cautioned, pulling out two one-hundred dollar bills from her wallet.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you," you hugged her and went to put the money in your wallet.

You ran back into your room and grabbed your 3 suitcases. All of them were filled with clothes, books, electronics, and other necessities. You dragged the suitcases over to the front door to have them ready. Your dad had just barely woken up. You ran over to him and gave him a big hug. He was wearing his navy-blue robe and had a cup of coffee in his hand. He always seemed to have coffee whenever you saw him.

"I can't believe you're leaving us, baby girl," Dad teased you.

"Be quiet," you whined, "I'll just be two states up from you. You can come visit me whenever you want."

"You bet we will," Mom jumped in.

"Well, we should get heading out soon. You know how traffic is here. I'll get ready and be out in 15 minutes," Dad said, setting down his mug and walking into his bedroom.

You grabbed a box of chocolate cheerios from the cupboard and some milk. You poured a large amount of cheerios into the bowl and then flooded them with 2% milkfat milk. Your mom scolded you for over-filling your bowl, but you ignored it and began eating as fast as Naruto when someone else is paying for his ramen. EVentually, your mom gave up and chuckled at your atrocious manners. Fifteen minutes later, your dad came out, looking somewhat-decent.

"Alrighty, let's go!" you yelled, putting your bowl in the sink and rushing over to the front door.

Your parents followed after you, helping you with your suitcases. You threw them into the back of your dad's Ford F250 and hopped in the back seat. Your dad got into the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. Your mom was soon to follow into the passenger's seat. You all buckled up and got ready for one hell of a ride.

~Time skip courtesy of Los Angeles's sucky traffic~

"It's 7:45! GO! GO! GO!" I screamed like someone from Call of Duty. "Move out! Target is within 100 meters!"

Your mom and dad ran after you, rolling your bags behind them. You had your duffel bag around your body and a suitcase which you were rolling behind you. You passed through the security checkpoints and all the other shit that you needed to do, and finally, at 7:58, you were on the plane. Your parents headed back home to relax and get more sleep after bidding you farewell. On the plane, you decided to do similar, and you fell asleep within 10 minutes of being in the air.

~Time Skip to Seattle~

You were now getting off the plane, carrying your four bags of luggage with you. You had no idea how you were going to get onto a bus and get to the apartment complex you needed to go to with all the crap you brought along. I should hae packed more lightly, you thought. Well, too late now. I can always donate my clothes to some homeless people. You eventually got all your stuff onto a bus, and made it to the apartment complex.

In the meeting with the manager, you were told all the rules of the building and given your key. Some bell boys helped you bring your stuff up into your room and finally, your moving process was finished... kind of. You still needed to unpack and buy some furniture. But you could do that tomorrow. You decided to walk around and introduce yourself to the neighbors. And boy was that a bad idea...

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