Chapter Eight: What Happened That Night in N's Castle (Touya's Telling)

Start from the beginning

"Because your memories of him were replaced with an illusion," I breathed out. Touko went pale.

"Replaced with an illusion," she repeated slowly. "Replaced. With an illusion? How does that even work?" She managed a laugh. "I don't understand. How could they somehow wipe my memories clean, and replace it with some illusion? It makes no sense, considering when I try to remember back it's just...well, nothing!"

"N suppressed your memories, the illusion comes over your animosity of him."

"Use English, Touya, I'm too upset to decipher your made-up language," she snickered at her own words, while somehow still maintaining her aggravated emotion.

"N used an illusion to hold back certain memories, such as the memory of him putting the illusion on you, but he also used an illusion to demolish any trace of disgust, hostility, dislike, or anything you felt for him at the time really, and replaced those feelings with good feelings. Good feelings like delight, friendship, compassion, sympathy, admiration, and possibly"

"How did he use an illusion?" Touko asked tranquilly, analytical of the information I was bestowing upon her.

"His Zororak," I answered plainly.

"But...what? How does that work?" Touko shook her head, afraid of what she was starting to comprehend.

"Zororak's signature ability-"

"Illusion. I was just watching a documentary on that, but it only stated that a Pokemon could use illusions to change its appearance, it never stated that it could be worked on someone else."

"I wondered that too, Touko, in fact Cheren and I researched the ability as soon as Team Plasma was defeated, and we could get you and Bianca to a hospital for treating-"

"Bianca? Bianca?! Why did she need to be treated?" Touko interrupted me again. I narrowed my eyes.

"I'll get there in a second, but can I please finish this thought first?" Touko's cheeks darkened with embarrassment. "Thank you," I breathed. "So, as I was saying, Cheren and I researched the ability. Quite in depth actually. The ability is only found in Zorua and Zororak, and for the most part can only really work on the Pokemon themselves, or on their surroundings. It's not supposed to be as strong as the Zororak's that placed the illusion on you. In fact, in our research, you're right, it never stated anything about being able to put an illusion on memories, or on the mind. What N's Zororak did is almost impossible, except we have a theory."

"And that theory is?"

"That N can speak to Pokemon."

"He can speak to Pokemon," Touko clarified, as if that were everyday information.

"Wait, how do you know?"

"He showed me, when I first met him. We met on the Ferris Wheel here, while we, you and I, I mean, were in Nimbasa for the very first time getting ready for our gym battle against Elesa. I never thought anything of it, I don't even know how I remember this. How-"

"Maybe the illusion wears off as you learn the truth?" I put out the idea.

"Maybe, I don't know. Just continue on with your story, sorry I interrupted," Touko nodded.

"It's okay, Touko. I understand this is kind of frightening for you, and you just want to know the truth, right?" She smiled slightly. I took that as a yes.

"Well, anyway. Our theory was that N could talk to Pokemon and with that he was able to help his Pokemon expand and strengthen their powers and abilities beyond what the common Pokemon could. Obviously, now that we know N could talk to Pokemon, we don't seem as crazy and absurd with our theory," I chuckled. Touko laughed.

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