Chapter Two: Nice Reminders of the Past and the Future

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Riiiiing! Ring! The alarm clock went off. I groaned.

"It's already morning?" I yawned, sitting up on the bed. I stretched out my arms, and got myself started on my early morning routine: which included of grabbing my bag, going into the girl's bathroom down the hall to put my hat in the dryer, and finally taking a shower. It didn't take me as long as normal either, because I was super pumped about eating a nice breakfast at the local cafe. I grabbed my hat from the dryer, and walked back to our room to make sure Touya was up.

"Morning, Touko!" someone chirped behind me. I twisted the knob on my door to open it, then turned around to face a very happy looking Bianca. I gasped, realizing what must have happened.

"Did you ask him!?" I squealed.

"I did! He said yes!" she screamed, jumping up and down in pure excitement.

"Oh, that's wonderful Bianca!" I squeezed her into a congratulatory hug.

"Hey! Would you want to walk with me to the cafe?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just make sure Touya is up." I walked into the room, and instantly regretted it as I screamed.

"Touko!?" he yelled, color rushing into his cheeks. He was bare-chested, a towel just barely wrapped around his waist.

"Just making sure you were up. I'm going with Bianca. Cheren will want to go with you. Okay, bye then." The words flew out of my mouth, and I doubted that he could understand me, especially with the loud slam of the hotel door. I sped out of that room like a Pikachu running from a Fearow.

"What was that about?" Bianca asked curiously, as I ran right past her down the hall.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing," I spewed. That was my number one weakness - lying. I have the habit of talking really fast when I'm nervous, or am hiding something. Just another one of my quirks, I guess.

"Okay?" Bianca tilted her head, confused.

"Come on, let's go to the cafe." I smiled (for real this time) and all she could do was give me a giant smile back.

"All right," she agreed. Together, we walked out of the Pokemon Center, but not without first returning our room keys, where Nurse Joy happily greeted and wished us a splendid day. We smiled, nodded, and wished her the same. Although, I was quite taken by surprise when she told us to come again. It's really quite weird since really it's a hospital...did she want our Pokemon to be injured? The world may never know.

We made our way onto the damp streets of Undella, where very few people were actually awake.

"How long do you think Cheren has liked me?" Bianca piped, breaking the morning silence of the streets. I chuckled at her question. "What? What's so funny?" she questioned my chuckles.

"He's liked you for a long, long time, Bianca," I answered, chuckling once again as I remembered back to when I first realized of such things.

"Don't give me sass! It's not my fault I didn't know." Bianca huffed. "I was too blinded my own love, that I didn't realize it." I giggled at her silliness. "I know someone who's liked you for a long, long time too, you know?" I immediately got quiet, and gave her a confused look, but then took it as another one of her jokes, and started giggling again. "You think I'm kidding? HA!" she laughed. "You wanna know who likes you?"

"Who?" At this point, I was full out laughing. I'm pretty sure I would be rolling on the ground at this point, if the street wasn't completely soaked. The thought of someone liking me was absurd, especially if it was who I thought it was.

"Touya," she whispered in my ear, giggling as she walked in front of me. She turned to see my reaction, but frowned when she realized I thought she was crazy, and was still laughing. "You'll see, Touko, since I've told you now, you are going to start noticing it on your own."

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