Chapter Eight: What Happened That Night in N's Castle (Touya's Telling)

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Touya's POV

"-would you mind if I just tell you the story of how everything happened?" I abruptly changed my mind.

"Is this going to take the rest of the day?" Touko moaned, sitting herself down on the bed. We had just returned to our room after a decent time outside, and I could tell she was pretty tired.

"Would you rather never know what happened?"

"No, no, no!" Touko pleaded. "Please go on. Tell me the story." And with that, I thought back to that day. The day Touko's mind was prodded around with like some broken machine. So, I started...

"I will never forget that night. It was pure cliche. Completely pitch-black, as all light from the moon and stars was lost in the inky storm clouds. Icy cold water fell from the sky in huge downpours, and the lightning. Oh, the lightning. It flashed so bright, adding an eerie effect to the already sinister Plasma Castle. Or, N's Castle actually. It was N's Castle," I growled.

"Are you going to spend this whole time degrading and belittling N, or are you going to tell me what happened already?"

"I'm sorry." My cheeks flushed with color.

"It's okay," Touko accepted, "just tell me what happened."

"Well, it was a dark and stormy night!" I played around dramatically. Touko's eyebrows raised in a way that dared me to continue on. "Sorry, sorry," I shook my head, "I'll be serious now." I took in a deep breath, and continued on. "Cheren and I teamed up that day, together we fought many grunts, and even a couple leaders, but our main goal was to be able to get inside N's Castle, and take down Ghetsis and N. As I mentioned before, this was at the time Team Plasma was at its strongest."

"The day N defeated Alder, right? I had just defeated the Elite Four, and we, as in you, me, Cheren, and Bianca were walking into the Champion's room, where I would end up going to battle Alder myself later on...right?" Touko spoke, confused to why this information she was pouring out was so new to her. I nodded with a small grin, realizing she was starting to remember back to the day. She smiled, content at that moment with her knowledge of the situation.

"And after we walked into the Champion's room, do you remembered what happened?" I questioned anxiously, hoping that maybe, just maybe Touko was overcoming her memory loss. She shook her head, losing her prideful smile.

"All I remember is that we found out N had defeated Alder, and something big shook the earth."

"That's right, that's right," I cheered. "N's Castle has suddenly appeared, and attached itself to the Pokemon League building. We then chased N into the Castle, but the Shadow Triad appeared."

"Man, I hated those guys," Touko grumbled.

"Me too, Touko, me too, but do you remember what happened after that?" She scrunched up her nose, a small, but very noticeable sign that she was thinking extra hard. My hope dispersed. At this point Touko wouldn't remember anything from that day if she didn't remember the Shadow Triad. Touko shook her head with disappointment, looking down at the floor. I sighed.

"It's okay, Touko, I'll help you remember," I sat myself down next to her on the bed, and ever so slightly lifted her chin with my hands, "I promise." She put on a half-hearted smile that could be seen right through. "Come on, Touko, don't give up. You can remember! I know you can!"

"Just tell your story, Touya, I really just want to know why I can't remember anything from that day! Why can't I remember any of my previous experiences with him! I don't understand it! I don't understand anything! It's all just white noise. Blank. Nonexistent almost! Why can't I remember?!" Touko screamed. A strong wave of agony exploded from Touko. Tears that puddled in her eyes, dropped down in rivers against her puffy eyes, and blushed cheeks. I inhaled deeply.

Illusions of Heart; Touko x NHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin