Chapter 1-Jason comes in on Solangelo sex.

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The clothes were already in the floor and Will was pinning Nico down on the bed in the Hades cabin. They didn't even hear Jason come in until they heard a giant thump on the floor. Will stopped kissing Nico and got out of bed. He put on his underwear and grabbed one of his shoes. He stepped out of the bedroom and hit Jason on the head with the shoe as soon as Jason got to his knees. "Jason?" Will asked. "Yeah who did you think it was?" Jason said.
"A burglar."
"Well I'm not"!
" Uh ...well sorry I hit you with a shoe".
"Apology excepted".
"What do you want"?
" Well I wanted to ask Nico if he wanted to go to a guys night out thing Friday".
"But he don't like that kind of stuff".
" Yes but he might want to this time".
"You're an idiot if you think that".
" Says the guy who put his underwear inside out and backwards".
"Oh whatever".
Jason walked into the bedroom where Nico was sitting on the bed with his pajamas on. " Hey Nico," Jason said.
"Hey Jason," Nico said.
" Do you want to come to this guys night out thing this Friday"?
"Uh...I don't know".
" Please".
" Pretty please".
" Pretty please with a cherry on top!"
"Fine! Whatever!"
"Yay!Well bye!" With that said, Jason left.
" Bye" Nico said "Bye," Will said.
And then they started having sex again.

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