Roy's Island by NathanALawson [General Fiction]

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I don't read a lot of short stories on Wattpad, but I liked this one. What attracted me to it was the concept. The main character Roy has had very lucid dreams all his life, dreams where he is aware and in control of the whole experience. In every one of his dreams since early childhood, he has dreamt of the same beach. Over the years he has built up a whole island around it that he knows like the back of his hand. So it comes as a great surprise to him when someone else appears on his island. And, unlike everything else, she does not seem to be something he dreamt up.

This is another story that is very well written. I couldn't find any errors or typos in it at all, which is very refreshing. All of the dialogue seems realistic and flows naturally, and I think the story as a whole has a perfect balance of description and summary that keeps the reader in the moment while moving the story along at the perfect rate.

I also think that the plot is well constructed. Since it's so short I don't really want to give anything away, but it fits right into the form for a short story and is complete in itself, which is exactly what I think a short story should be.

Another interesting element of this story is that it seems a bit fantastical. It has that aura around it of things that we don't quite understand, which, for me, had a unique way of capturing my interest and drawing intrigue that stayed with me even after I finished it.

It won't take much time to read, so if this review has piqued your interest, you can go check it out for yourself right now!

** Published in April of 2014 **

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