Chapter Two: Remnant of the Past

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I shuddered after waking up this morning. It's cold. Inhumanly cold. White shards started falling in the City that never sleeps, Christmas spirit is indeed in the air of New York City. I've never get use to winter season. I prefer the others but this.

I clambered out of the king sized bed and strolled over the crisped window. I wiped the glass with my bare hand only to retract when I felt the cold crept to my palm and up to the shoulder.

The moistures that was once settled overnight all over the tinted window, had draped and vanished. I blinked walking back to my bed. Where is it? Where did I placed that annoying thing? I pulled the blanket from the bed but didn't find it there. I stopped and rethink the past happened last night.

"Are you going home alone again tonight?" Clarence towed us to the exquisite entrance of the building we are working at. How I noticed the glimmering odd in his eyes was beyond my comprehension. Maybe because he already know that I'm going to declined his invitation. For so many time I did that to him, just this tonight I saw that in to him.

"I can handle my-"

"Yourself. Yeah you can handle yourself just like you did these past years." I halted on my tracks and gave him a hard gaze. I don't know where is it coming from. He regretted of what he said and continued walking toward the reception.

"Goodbye Clarence!" The young receptionist bid farewell as he cowered to him whispering something on his face. He glanced at me and returned it but pulled back when he was mesmerized by it. Clarence patted the shoulder of the young receptionist and went back to my side.

"What's that?" I glanced to the bag he's holding, something bulges inside and somewhat heavy.

"You tell me." He said.

"Whatever." I deadpanned.

"You'll know." He said reclaiming the just dead conversation we had. He smirked on the way. I just dropped the subject and tells him.

"Just this night." He halted and confusion took his face.

How I love unmade beds but right now I have to fix it hoping the company phone would be lying somewhere in the bed. But unfortunately, I didn't find it there.

"I don't know, but I guess I need to thank you." I looked at him past through his hanging locks. Medium built, almost 6' in height because if I'm not in my 4" shoes; we'll be at the same height, piercing blue eyes which I first noticed when we first met - it's like they're staring into your very own soul, and less importantly about those eyes of his were he often bragged about. But I could careless; some of the times. A very smart man; his brother, with whom he is very close, works for the same company. Were both a product of a prestigious school in London.  A very classy man and which the most I admires about him. A true genuine young bachelor.

"For conceding." Before stepping the gas.

"I didn't  grant you this and I'm not trying to win over some arguments."  Looking back at him expressionless.

Eventually, I gave in. I think, it was worth it and beside I know him without doubt keeps his promise. He value a promise in sincereness and on daily basis. What a gentleman. This world need more of him these days.

Moving back to the towering closet I had in my room. On top of it is a huge painting I bought in an auction back in Prague. Painted by the most ever talented friend of mine; Pedro Gutierrez. He moved there after he locked the vow with his wife; Stella. A retired veteran fashion model and now had her own brand line of clothing all over the country. She even once asked me if I would like to be one of her models, but I politely declined.

"Oh! I'd loved to but I can't. There are much qualified out there. Look at me, I don't even have any fashion sense on me." I said jokingly. She insisted but I'm being pessimistic.

"I'm afraid. But I really can't. But you know what, you can leave me a calling I'd. And I'll let you know if I changed my mind." I doubted but I cannot tell.

I had chosen the velvet dress from the dresser. It was soft yet very appropriate this season.

"We're here." Pulling in a short drive way. Seen is a bachelor pad that towers from the building stretching in the very heart of the city.

He clambered out of the driver seat and went to the other side to open the door for me. I let a small sigh before approaching his hands.

"Thank you." Looking up at the skyline.  He's got quite a taste. No wonder he's the top performing employee amongst the men in the company. A huge decorated pine tree was set up in the middle in the exterior of the Manhattan most elite property. And around of it, was piles of huge boxes that appears to be a gifts.

"Thank you for going out tonight with me." A triumphant voice can be traced in him. I ignored it moving inside the building. 

"Hey, Jack! How you doing?" He approached a middle aged black man in a suit.

"Great. I see, you have a beautiful company tonight." He said in his deep Brooklyn's accent. And throwing me a warm smile which I gradually basked.

"Quite, indeed!" He responded as he turned his way to me.

"We better get going Jack. Nice too see you."

"Yeah! Of course, keep safe!"

"You too." And we took off by the elevator at the near end of the receiving area.

I went to my small counter hoping I left it there last night. I scanned the whole area and noticed that Percy quite had made up a mess in the kitchen.

"Percy." I called out to him.

"Where are you little one?" He jumped out of nowhere behind my back nearly stumbling on the floor. He purred to me and went to my feet. I picked him up and brought him up the counter.

"You hungry?" I petted him in the head. He purred again and meowed.

"I take that as a yes." I said smiling. I poured his bowl with a cat food sending him to euphoria.

After cleaning the mess, I went back to my bed and laid there again since it was holiday, I am free to do what I wanted to do. The security tone suddenly rung on the door. In a New York minute I had open the door only to the find the person standing in my very own tenement. The person I long to ceased to see. The person that broke my heart into million pieces that on to this day I wasn't able to fix and put them together. I greeted my teeth and ready to slammed the door against his face. Why I'm such a stupid person? I should see the screen first if who was my visitor. But it's too late now to do that. Before I close back the door, he stepped his right foot inside.

"Please, let me in." He begged. But I'm out of any reasons to do that. He's out of any  privileges to asked anymore after what he's done. 

I  grabbed the phone from his hand and pushed him harshly stumbling against the cold floor. I closed the door immediately and paced toward the living room.

I had an impending calls from Giovanni. My boss at the company I work at. I glanced back at the door with a question formed in my mind. Why does he had my phone in the first place?

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