chapter 4

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After that scene at that bar I promise my self that I will never go back to that place and never meet that Jacob. I just don't understand why , but I had a feeling that there's something is in him. And you know that girls "kutob" .

And at this moment I am going to attend a party as a representative of my father his a busy man and I can't let him down to this small favor.

"Hello Ivone?" Ivone just called and I am on my way at the party.

"Where the hell are you?!"

"I am going to attend at the party. You know business monkey" I said and saw the venue in front of my car so I decided to come out of the car.

"Where to?"

"Uhm. Laparnigo?, I guess ."

"Laparnigo what?. Are you kidding me?" Ivone is shouting at me

"No okay. So what is your problem?" I ask while walking to the entrance of the Laparnigo.

"You better get out of that place or you'll regret it!" I stop walking at the front of the open door of party

"I can't understand you Ivone . please elaborate me " I just furrowed my brows telling her that .

"Look. First I really sorry I ---,"

I cut her off. Because I'm really sure I saw Raven!

"This is the best day ever! Ivone. And you will be happy for me. I'll call you later." I didn't bother to hear her and off the phone and start walking straight to Raven.

And I felt my phone vibrating maybe Ivone is calling me but I ignore it .

I am so near to my Raven walking with finesse and attitude. He was with a guy with I dunno? Because I only saw his back having a talking to my Raven. Until I am in front of Raven I let my big and sweet smile plustered at my face showing how I am happy to see him with an instant he got my attention.

"Ms.Valler , nice to see you again." He give me a kiss at my cheek and we smiled at each other. I felt a disappointment when he called me by my surename and I am sure he didn't bother to recall my name. But the least expected I could had in this party is him.

"Oh, before I forgot meet my business partner Jacob Adrian Razol. And Mr. Razol this is Ms.Georgina Valler." One moment I realize he never forget my name but he really just recall for pure business. And this time I am thinking what if Hindi ako tumuloy? Swerte kayang Hindi kame nagkita no Jacob? ! Of all people what a small world! What the heck is je doing here? and be a partner of Raven? Why is this happening to me?! . This ridiculous sa lahat ba naman ng pwedeng kakilala ni Raven si Jacob pa?.

I was stunned for a moment I really wanted to go and left without a word but that could be mean rude for Raven. And I hate to admit I must stay and be glad he introduce me knowing still my full name. Thus is the only positive way I have to ful this.

"Nice meeting you again Ms. Georgina."he held my hand without my permission and kiss at the back. I never know that he was this gentleman from what I heard to Ivone . I just make a fake smile and release my hand from him.

"M-me too Mr. Razol." He just smirked

"I never knew you were very formal ."

He grinned and look at me maliciously.

"And I never thought you've met each other. Are you also related in same business matter?" Raven ask. I looked at him and turn my head and both side telling him "no".

"Really?" He ask and grinned.

"Well actually Raven we really do have a business ." he said looking straight in my eyes still plustered that grin from ear to ear. Habang ako nag pipigil na sigawan sya.

"Of course not. You really know how to create some jokes Mr. Razol." I fake a laugh and looked Raven how he was amuse to us.

"Well got to go. I still have something to speak for." Raven excuse himself.

"So?, George how are you?"

Before I could say something to excuse my self someone's called me.

"Georgina. Sweetheart." It was Raven's Mom.

"Hello, tita "

"You look wonderful. Where's your dad?."

"His busy. So I came in behalf of him."

"Oh. But its very good to see you here. Have you see my son?" I nod at her.

"Okay. But why did he left you?. Uhmm oh, hi there Jacob" Tita Ina greeted Jacob and gave a smile that never reach her eyes and so how Jacob greeted his teeth.

" can I borrow Georgina ?. You know I miss this girl." She said in a fake tone.

"Oh sure." He just said and glance at me then turn his back at us. There is something wrong and it is really weird I felt it between this two but I shouldn't mined because I have more important to mined too.

" don't bother Jacob. You know his a little jerk sometimes." She said while laughing. I am still intirgue about the scene earlier maybe Tita Ina has issue with Jacob? I dont know.

"Were you related both?" What?. This big mouth? Really !.

" oh, I'm sorry to interfere Tita. Just don't answer if you don't want to." I said when she stop and stare at me blankly. And before she say something she give a heavy sight .

" you know how much business is very complicated Georgina , things is arent good and straight to all partners but we still making the best of our way to fight in competition." She blurted while looking me and starting to walk again.

"Oh. Okay Tita I know that. And I understand that there still things that you can't give to your business partners." She just smiled and I smiled at her too. Well probably maybe it was a business at all.

She introduce me the other business tycoons and our business partners and search for Raven.

"Son!' She blurted out. And Raven kiss her cheeks.

"Where have you been?!" Tita was way into beast mood looks .Funny but I am observing her from time to time until that scene with Jacob. A curiousity kills behind my brain.

"I'm talking to our business partners. And I am busy too mom "

"I know but I told you to entertain Georgina when she comes. But you left her with Jacob" I think there is something wrong on what Tita said.

"There's no need to worry mom." Really I don't know if I am the problem or that Jacob?.

"Okay. Whatever Raven. Uhm sweet heart so sorry for that. You go with Raven. I have something to do first." I nod at her and we kiss both cheek.

"I really don't know whats with mom acts." He said and drinks his wine.

"Really? Maybe there's things she don't like to Jacob? I heard in a business a partners thingy?."

"Yeah she really don't like Jacob." I look him straight and wait for next statement about Jacob if that it was just about pure business but not.

" are you enjoying the party. " he said. I smiled

"Yes. And thank you" he smiled at me. And ask me for a tour. I am really glad that his attention is with me he introduce me too to others and even dance me for a while. I wanted to giggle for a moment just to show how I am so happy to day.

I excuse my self and got to the rest room for a while.

Sweet TeaseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt