Chapter 2.

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Chloe's P.O.V.

Even though the bishop's beach house is only a little more then a town over from where we live and it isn't very far Tyler is having a fit about me being that far away for the summer. I think it's more of him being jealous that I'll be with Delilah more then him this for that long. He gets like this from time to time when I don't spend enough time with him. His words not mine.

I try my best to spend equal time with both of my best friends. I won't say it's easy seeing as my two best friends can't stand to be together for long periods of time and they both get jealous when I spend time with the other. As annoying as it is it always makes me smile. I can't help that it makes me feel special and loved. The caring and love I get from Tyler and Delilah is all I've gotten since my parents death. My aunt Marcy may support me financially but there isn't much love.

My aunt only took me in because she felt she had no other choice but to. She sees me as a burden. She hasn't come out and said the words but I see it in her eyes every time she looks at me. That's when she does look at me which isn't very often. She acts as if looking at me is physically painful to her. It all makes me feel worse about my appearance. Do I look that bad?

I was packing my things for the trip and of course Tyler was laying across my bed still complaining about me leaving. "Do you have to go for the whole summer?" He asked sounding a bit hopeful. It made me feel bad for wanting to leave. I looked at him torn. He must of seen how conflicted I was. He sighed as he sat up. "I'm sorry. I know you're excited about going. I'm just gonna miss not having you here is all." He said with a little pout.

I understood why he felt that way. We haven't spent much time apart since we met. "I'm gonna miss you too Tyler, but it's not for that long. I told you we can still see each other because it's not too far away." I said as I climbed into bed and curled into his side while he put his arm around me in a sideways hug. "Besides I told you I'd text, call and video chat with you as much as I can." I told him promise lacing my tone.

Tyler has helped me so much since I've met him. He's helped me love myself more then I have in a very long time. I still struggle with it but it's more then I used to. He's made me see I'm worth much more then I had believed and it's giving me a bit of confidence. I'm no where near as I wish to be but it's a start. It's a work in progress Tyler says.

"Promise?" He asked a bit softly. "Of course I promise." I said looking up at him with a smile. He returned the smile and gave me a tight hug and I hugged him back. I stayed there like that for a little bit just enjoying his embrace. It's times like this that make me feel loved. Something I've come to realize I carve. With I sigh I got up and finished packing.

I was just zipping up my suitcase when my phone went off. Wannabe by spice girls rang out indicating that Delilah was texting me.

Delilah: Hey love! Are you ready?

I could just hear here bubbly happy voice as I read it. She was always a happy person. It's one of the things I've always loved about her. She rarely let things get her down.

Chloe: Hey. Yeah just got done packing.

Seeing as Delilah's phone was always with her as if it was permanently attached to her she wrote back quickly.

Delilah: Great! I'm on my way to pick you up. Be there in a few.

Chloe: Okay. I'll be waiting out side.

I locked my phone and slid it into the back pocket of my shorts. "Delilah's on her way to get me. I should head down stairs." I told Tyler. As I was about to grab my suitcase Tyler's hand snatched it up before me. He picked it up with ease without a word and headed down stairs. I knew he wouldn't let me carry it. Tyler was a big time play, but he's was always a gentleman towards me. Just another thing that made me feel loved.

My aunt Marcy was out with her boyfriend Todd. I wasn't surprised that she wasn't her to say goodbye to me. She probably planed it so she didn't have to. I made sure all the lights were turned off and locked up the house. I should feel sad or at least that I'll miss being home even if it was just for the summer, but I couldn't feel anything towards it.

I was just happy I'd be able to get away from it for a while. Being here with my aunt only made me feel lonely and unwelcome. It wasn't much of a home. It never really had been. I once wished it would be. I long ago giving up hope for that. It was a temporary place to live until I was old enough to be on my own. Which would be soon enough. Come the school year I'd be a senior.

Even though I turned eighteen before the school year was up I was hoping my aunt would let me stay with her till I went to college. It was something that worried me more and more lately. I didn't know what I'd do if she didn't. She hasn't said anything to indicate she wouldn't but she acts like she doesn't want me there most of the time. I decided I'd enjoy this summer just in case things didn't turn out to be in my favor.

Soon Delilah was pulling up in her shinny red Prius. Even though I was standing right there and clearly seen her she still honked her horn twice. I noticed Tyler roll his eyes but he said nothing. He helped me put my things in the trunk of her car. "I'm gone miss seeing you almost everyday." He said sadly. I gave him a big hug. "Me too." I said into his chest. He gave me a tight hug that was almost painful before her loosened his arms, but didn't let go.

A loud unexpected honk had us jumping apart. "She so fucking rude. She gets you all summer and can't let me have a few fucking minutes to say goodbye." He spit out angrily. I gave him a small smile. "She's probably just worried about getting there late." More then likely that wasn't it but I didn't want to have them fight right now. He didn't look convinced.

He walked me to the passenger side door and opened it for me. I gave him a quick hug and climbed him with a promise to call him as soon as we got there. I turned to her with a smile. "Are you ready for an unforgettable summer?" She practically screamed. With a big smile that probly looked like it hurt I replyed "Hell ya!" I wasn't sure what the summer held but I was excited to find out.

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