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Seated on a bench at school, I waited for my next class. Suddenly, someone approached and wrapped their arm around me. I smiled when I saw who it was.

"Joshua!" I greeted him. He placed some food on the table.

"Oh, I'm sure you haven't eaten yet," he said. I chuckled. He always knew me so well. Joshua is my boyfriend, and we've been together for a year. He's the sweetest and kindest boyfriend I've ever had. He never failed to show his love for me, and I'm grateful for that. I couldn't ask for more.

"I'm still waiting for Kiel. You know how he is, always late," I said.

"But that doesn't mean you should neglect yourself," he said affectionately.

"I'm not neglecting myself. I just forgot this time," I explained.

"Alright then," he said and kissed my cheek. "I have to go babe, I have a class."

I nodded as he walked away. When he was a bit farther, he called me, so I turned to look at him. He smiled at me and playfully blew a flying kiss. I laughed and caught it. Joshua was always a mischievous one.

With a smile on my face, I reviewed the lesson I would teach to Kiel. Speaking of the devil, he appeared with a frown as he sat in front of me.

"What happened to you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," he said grumpily. I'm Kiel's tutor. Unfortunately, he's been struggling with one of our subjects, so being one of the students who excel in that subject, I was assigned to tutor him and, of course, with extra credit.

I started teaching Kiel, and he listened quietly. He was unusually reserved today, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

Ten minutes before our next subject, we finished the session.

"Are you happy with him?" he asked me in a hushed tone, and I was taken aback.

"With who? Joshua?" I asked, and he nodded. "Well, he's kind. He's everything a girl could ask for."

Suddenly, he got up and left abruptly. Talking about manners, Kiel could be rude at times. His question lingered in my mind. Am I really happy? My heart clenched at the mere thought of it. Believe me when I say I loved Joshua, but one day, the spark just disappeared. He's been good to me, which is why I can't bring myself to break up with him. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. No, he doesn't.

I glanced back at Kiel, who was now heading to our next class. I couldn't help but let out a sigh. Memories of that night came rushing back to me.

We were at a classmate's party that night. It was her birthday, and she invited us all. The party was lively, with many college students like us in attendance.

I was a little tipsy, having taken a few shots with my girlfriends. Joshua was hanging out with his own group of friends.

"Yanna, you're so lucky with your boyfriend," Frina said to me.

"Yeah, he seems to have it all," Paula chimed in.

I chuckled at their comments. They continued to praise Joshua, showering him with compliments.

"I'll go to the powder room first," I said to them as I headed in that direction. But suddenly, Kiel pulled me aside and led me to a dim corner.

"Kiel, what's going on? Why are you pulling me?" I asked, trying to free my arm that he held earlier.

"Adriana..." he said softly while looking into my eyes. I was taken aback. I've never seen Kiel like this before.


Not the Right TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon