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Hehe hi... Please check out my story 'Stay' I'd really appreciate it 😘 love you all.

it's beautiful. the whole set up. louis remembers explicitly asking for it and then getting laughed at.

they were with the wedding planner, louis couldn't even remember her name to be honest and he really wasn't going to try.

she was rude to him, saying his shoes were tacky and his skirt didn't match his shirt.

bitch please.

so louis cussed her out, but harry calmed him down and apologized to the witch. and they went about their business.

the wedding.

ah louis was so excited! it was five months away.

louis was a crying mess when harry proposed. harry walked into his work one day kissed him full on the mouth, said 'fuck it' and got down on one knee, pouring his heart out to louis.

of course louis burst into tears, happy tears, as soon as harry pulled out the cute velvet blue box. he barely got out a choked, 'yes, you stupid oaf.' before he was flinging himself at his fiancé. the whole shop went up in cheers, but harry and louis weren't paying attention.

so that's what led them to this stupid old bat who was planning their wedding. louis would have fired her the second she sat down, but harry was paying and as long as their wedding day was perfect, he could deal with the woman who had a constant stick up her ass.

louis being louis wanted to wear a wedding gown. the wedding planner, louis was just going to call her demon from that point on, looked at him in disgust, but she had nothing to do with the outfits, she only needed to make sure everything decor wise was there. louis flipped her off.

when they began talking about themes louis shot up right and shouted, 'i want the same as the twilight wedding!'

harry looked at louis with a burst of laughter, 'babe, what? twilight, really? the sparkly vampire movie?'

louis scoffed at harry's ignorance. that wedding was absolutely stunning and it was the only part of the movie saga that louis actually cared about. he looked to the demon.

'is that possible? i would like everything to look as close to that as possible for the ceremony, the reception harry can choose, i don't mind.' he asked.

she pursed her lips and slowly nodded, as if thinking to herself. 'it was a beautiful layout, perfect for the early spring which happens to be the season you chose for the date. i'm sure i could find a suitable venue, and stringing up fairy lights above the chairs wont be a problem. would you like the same flowers and natural moss and things of that nature?' she asked jotting down something on her notepad quickly.

louis grinned, 'yes!' he looked to harry with excitement swimming in his eyes and harry couldn't say no. he still didn't actually know what louis was so excited about, but assumed louis would show him the scene later at home.

so there louis is, standing at the entrance of the doors he will be walking through in little over two hours, staring at the beautiful scene. it's perfect and louis, as much as he hated the demon lady, loves every bit of it and will be sending her a fruit basket in thanks.

'come on boo, you need to get ready.' jay, louis' mother says coming up behind him.

he suddenly gets very queazy, it's his wedding day. what if he trips and face plants? what if his dress rips? or the world ends?

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