The Last Day Part 3

Start from the beginning

As Celest once again drove up the drive to the large marble house in Philadelphia she pulled the locket out of her bag, as well as her phone. She turned the locket over numerous times remembering when she had got it.


“I want you to keep it safe, and every time you look at it think of me, and think of what I stood for.” He said to her as he placed the locket over her head and around her neck.                                                                                                        “I will. I promise. I’ll always keep it safe.” Celest promised as she stood up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.


Celest unlocked her phone snapping numerous pictures of the locket before getting out of the car. Her heels clinked as she walked over the gravel and onto the marble porch before knocking on the door.                  “Ma’am you have returned.” The butler said as he opened the door for her to enter.                                                                                                                               “I said I would, now, where is he?” Celest asked standing in the foyer.   “Right this way ma’am.” He said walking down the corridor followed by Celest. After walking down numerous corridors, they reached a worn wooden door with numerous, large metal locks down each side.                   “Not by any chance keeping a werewolf down there are you?” Celest laughed.                                                                                                                                  “No ma’am this particular part of the basement is specifically for the storage of vampire with reinforced doors to keep them inside.                      “Great, now is the high and might Lord no-name down there?”                                    “Yes. The master is down stairs.” He said as he placed a single key in one lock causing the whole door to swing open each lock unlocking one after the other.                                                                                                                  “Great. See ya later.” She said walking into the basement as the door closed behind her, the lock clicking behind her and the darkness enfolding her. “Great, just locked in a lovely vampire storage unit, brilliant.” She said as she walked down the stairs of the basement, she saw a flickering light ahead of her and walked towards it. When she got to the end of the corridor she saw the flickering light was actually a lose fitted bare light bulb swinging back and forth behind an old rusted cage.                                             “Leo, you pathetic bastard. Locked up in a cage, rotting away.” Celest told him standing next to the cage.                                                                                                                                “Gre—at, to, see, you, to, Cel—est.” He croaked.                                                   “Leo, what have you been doing all these years. Cause this is a lovely establishment but the standards are very lax.” She said as she ran her finger along the wall next to her, catching numerous spider webs on her finger.                                                                                                                                          “Are you criticizing my decorating skills?” A voice asked behind her.              “No, if your aiming for the be feared, I can kill you with the amount of spider webs I have in my basement you nailed it. Now sweetie, I think we got off on the wrong foot last time. My name is Celest” She said holding out her hand.                                                                                                                     “My name is Martin.” He said as he bent down and kissed her hand.                          “So, want to make the deal?” Celest asked as she held up the locket into the light.                                                                                                                                “Of course. Why else would I be here?” He questioned.                                         “Great down to business. Set Leo free and I will give you the locket.” She said still dangling the locket out in front of him.                                                            “Deal.” He said as he took a key out of his pocket, placed it in the cage lock and pushed the door open. Leo slid out of the cage, crawling on the floor.

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