Chater one

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Kellins point of view

"Come on kell it's time for you to get up you lard" I mumbled a fuck off to mike, but I really don't think he cares...just one more day to live unhappy. Like sure I'm with mike but I still haven't told him yet..I just don't wanna tell him at all, after about five more minutes he rips the lovely covers off of my pale body. I whine in protest but that went unnoticed like usual.

"Babe please get up, my brother will be here please be nice an get your fine ass up" I rolled over to meet the nice an lovely floor.

"Fuck when did I sleep here?!" All I herd was mike laughing his ass off, I slowly looked up go see he moved the fucking bed that monster

"'re going to pay for that" I glare at him with passion.

Just as I was going to jump on him a slight an weak knock was herd from the door, I looked at mike with a smirk then ran with full speed to the door. I swear this door will brake soon, I mean I almost ripped it off its hinges. Standing their was a man about my age? He was short but not to short, his bark brown eyes were hot but they look sick. His long brown hair was about the same length as mine but longer...but his skin was tanned but looked a bit pale. Like he was sick.

"Um..hi?" I ask with wonder. He blushes when he looks down, me being a quite forgetful person I looked down to see I was just in my boxers which to my display bunny rabbits all over they were pink.

"H-hi" well this was a nice start

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