Oh, Rose

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Disclaimer- I own the plot but everything else is Richelle Mead ;)

-No matter how much I want Dimitri *sighs*

Enjoy :) -Hailie 3


*Mini Flashback*

"I promise you, Roza, I will never leave."

*End Flashback*

He lied! He used me! He told me that he loved me and that he would never leave. I can't beleive him! I felt so used and dirty. I never thought that Dimitri Belikov, the so-called Russian God, would deceive me. All these things were flying thorugh my head as I lay curled up into a fetal position on my bed. My eyes were sore and bloodshot from crying. I looked down at the note I found taped to my door, once again...

Dear Roza,

I am leaving the Academy. I have rethought Tasha's offer and took her up on it. By the time you get this note I will be long gone. Your future is bright and you will exceed all expectations. I love you. But a family is something that I want more. Something you can't give me. Just know that I will, forever and always, love you, Roza.

Love- D

I crumpled the note in my hand and threw it. I cried my eyes out some more until I passed out from exhaustian.

I woke up to someone beating down my door. I was too tired and numb to move my whole body. So I opened my eyes tko see Alberta, Lissa, and Adrian walk into my room.

"Rose! Oh my god, you look terrible. What's going on? You had us worried sick when you wouldn't answer your door," Lissa ranted and sat on the end of my bed. concern written all over her face.

"Yeah, Little Damphir. What's got you so down?" More tears trickled down my face as I pointed to the corner in my room where the nore had ended up the night before. Adrian picked it up, smoothed the paper out, and and silently read it. When he was done, he hastily gave the note to Lissa and Alberta and came and hugged me tight.

Alberta looked furious from what Dimitri said. I felt Lissa, through the bond, whom had went from confusion, to shock, to anger at me for not telling her, sympathy, and then her wanting to beat the shit out of Dimitri.

Lissa came and hugged me with Adrian, while Alberta regarded the situation. I cried even harder when Alberta's eyes landed on my desk. She walked over and picked up the stick that I had taken before I read the note.

"Oh, Rose," she said. Lissa and Adrian looked up as Alberta said somehting for the first time. Lissa gasped and hugged me tighter. I faintly heard Adrian say "bastard" as my eyes slowly started to close.

"Let her get some rest," Alberta said quietly. "Too much stress and emotional strain is bad for the baby. "I don't know what happend next since I fell asleep.


That sick pig! Guardian Belikov is a bastard who I want to rot in hell and suffer for all the pain he's caused Rose, especially since he left her pregnant!


I swear, when I get my hands around that son of a bitch's neck, I'll kill him for what he's done to my Little Damphir. When Alberta asked Lissa and I to leave we refused. We weren't leaving Rose alone, she needed us. Lissa and I found extra pillows and blankets and each made a bed on the floor on either side of Roses's bed. Belikov broke her. Now we have to pic up and glue the pieces back together.

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