All He Had Ever Loved

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For the past few days or even weeks it had been the same routine. Wake up, get dressed , stop at the local coffee shop and then head to the hospital to see him. He arrived at the reception to be immediatly recognised by the receptionist who had come to expect him every morning after all these weeks. As he glanced around the room he saw that the waiting chairs were empty as they usually were, a nurse standing by the double doors who was probably waiting for someone to arrive. Everything in the waiting room was just like it was any other day. He made his way over the the desk where the receptionist was at.
"Wow the winter weather is sure settling in early this year" the receptionist acknowledged as a gust of wind passed through the reception doors as middle aged man sped walked into the reception as the nurse that had been waiting for him to arrive escorted him to his destination, he's probably here for the same reason I am Aleks thought to himself he knew his pain so he couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy.
"Yeah it sure seems like it" he replied back as his attention found its way back to the receptionist.
"You can go visit if you want but I'm not going to rush you, take all the time you need but don't make it too long" those were the words the receptionist always said to him before he went to visit... him...
Aleks nodded his thanks to the receptionist as he turned to make his way through the double oak doors.
He hated hospitals he really did to him they were comparable to a war zone; people suffering intense agony and all he could do was stand there and watch them. It made him feel worthless like he couldn't do anything to make it all better and for it to all go away.
The hallways felt endless but he finally did make it to he the room he has spent so much time in and fills his entire being with dread not knowing if the one he loved was making improvement.

He hesitated for a moment before finally opening it. The room was quite dark but he could just about see as a few rays of sunlight peered into the room from behind the nearly fully drawn curtains, the walls were grey just like all the other rooms, in the right corner next to the window there was the single chair that he has sat in for what has felt like a month or even two months. He pulled the chair up the bed and sat in it.
Next to the bed on the bedside table were the flowers he had bought with him on his last visit they were only now put in a vase. He looked down into the bed to see Vlad was paler than usual in all the time he had been here he was pale but even this was paler than that. Aleks brushed some of Vlads sandy blond hair away from his face. He sighed he hoped that Vlad recovered and be discharged out of hospital so they could go back to their lives together. Moldova needed his big brother to be there for him but most importantly Aleks needed him. His thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard Vlad shift in his bed he opened his eyes to see that Vlad had woken up.
"How are you feeling?" Aleks shakily asked hoping for some good news or a sign of improvement.
Vlad had been in hospital after he had contracted an unknown disease the likelihood that he was going to survive was unknown but he didn't want to guess or find out when he had found out he refused to believe it at first until the words had fully sunk in i realised he was going to have to accept it and try and be there for Vlad and both he and Vlad knew that was not going to be an easy job he didn't sleep what so ever he first night as the doctor had allowed him to stay the night in hospital to watch over Vlad and by morning he was exhausted. He didn't remeber much from that morning beside getting advised by the nurse to go home and get some rest and they'll take over which he wanted to object but he was to tired so he just gave in and went home. It wasn't easy to get rest at first so he ended up having to use some sleeping pills to get him to sleep he couldn't afford another sleepless night of worrying.
"No better" Vlad finally responded to Alek's concern of worry
Aleks sighed maybe he was asking for too much when he had hoped for Vlad to get better
"You okay?" Vlad asked with concern
"Yeah... just worried..." Aleks looked down at his hands "I just wish it would all be over and for you to be okay"
He could feel his eyes watering up but he refused to cry yet fighting back the tears he placed his hand carefully on Vlad's his thumb gently stroking the top of it.
Aleks's head shot up his emerald green eyes met Vlad's ruby ones "y-yeah?" He finally spoke up wondering what his friend or should he say lover had to say to him
"If I don't make it promise me you'll take care of yourself and Moldova"
"You'll make it you have to you can't leave me like thi--"
"Aleks I doubt I'm going to make it I refuse to believe it myself but I have to I can't just ignore something that is catching up with me by the second"
"Vlad... I-"
"Shhhhh all these years I've known and spent with you are some of the best and I want you to know that Aleks so remember that"
Tears were prickling at the back of his eyes and he could no longer hold it back he let the tears silently run down his face and closed his eyes as he listened to what Vlad was telling him.
Vlad intertwined his fingers between Alek's he could feel his last minutes of his life approaching ready to engulf him at any moment
"Обичам те Vlad" Aleks finally managed to say between sobs
"Tu iubesc Aleks" were the last words Vlad said before finally passing on to rest peacefully Aleks didn't realise at first until he had finally opened his eyes again to see that Vlad's eyes were closes be didn't believe it at first
"No it can't be" he checked for a pulse a sign for that he was still alive but when it had finally sunk in that he wasn't coming back he couldn't believe it he broke down right there flashbacking to all the memories they had made together throughout their entire lives.
As the sobs wrecked his body he couldn't help but cry
After about 10 minutes of remembrance and denial he finally recovered his brings and managed to find the strength to stand up. He didn't bother to wipe his face of the tears because he knew they would just keep falling. He remembered the promise he had made to Vlad a few minutes before he had took his final breath and he wasn't going to break it but he didn't know how he was going to break the news to Moldova that his brother has passed away. He thought it was best not to think about it at the moment. He took one last look at his lover, made his way to the door, and left. He walked into the reception and received a concerned look of worry from the receptionist he notified her that Vlad had passed away a few moments ago and made his way to the exit.
All he had ever loved was gone and was to never come back. He never really thought much of the tiny things Vlad did for him until now. I guess it's true what they say... you don't truly appreciate the small tiny things people do for you to show their love until they're gone.

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