"I'm your best friend for life."

"Shit. He's in your room."

"What!" I yelped and we sprinted off. "Harry Styles!" I yelled when we burst inside. "You better not be in my suitcase!"

I opened the closet door and Harry smiled at me. "I have entirely no idea what you're talking about," he giggled and I huffed. He stepped out, towering over me. "Who's it?" he asked.

"Liam," I replied.

"One, two, three!" Liam yelled, burying his face in my bunk as he counted.

"Let's go!" Niall hissed and we went our separate ways.

Well, since there were no rules, I went into Niall's and Zayn's bedroom. I hid under the blankets of the top bunk, laying as still as a dead person. I kind of felt like a dead person too, with the blanket over me and all. I randomly wondered whose bed this was. I hoped Zayn.

I stared at the fabric of the blanket for a long time. A real long time. After a few moments a shadow passed over me but I paid no heed to it.

I was about to yell, "Peep!" so they could find me when Liam shouted, "Delilah! We can't find you! You're the last one! You can come out now!"

I usually didn't go down without a fight, but I knew with these boys it would probably be ages before I was found. I threw the blanket off of me and screamed.

Louis and Zayn grinned down at me. "Aha!" Louis shouted. "I knew it! Cough it up, big boy!"

Zayn scowled as he shelled out a few dollars and handed it to Louis.

"How long have you two been standing there?" I asked.

"About twenty minutes," Zayn replied.

"And you didn't bother checking!" I exclaimed.

They exchanged glances. "Um, no...." Louis said and I face-palmed. "Smart ones," I sighed and got out of Zayn's bed. "This is yours, right, Zayn?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "That's Niall's."

"What!" I yelped again and nearly fell out of bed. I did end up on my back though in the desperate struggle to get out of there.

They laughed at me. "I was kidding," Zayn said. "That's my bed."

I scowled at them and extended my hands upwards. "Help me up," I ordered and Louis took my hands and pulled me up. "Thanks," I muttered. "Who's it?"

"Me," Louis replied. He covered his eyes. "One, three, seven, ten, thirteen!" he yelled. I glanced at Zayn curiously. He shrugged. "Louis has his ways," he said simply. We ran away.

I decided that this time I was going to be the ultimate winner and hide outside the bus. I clambered down the steps and pressed my back against the metal side. It was cool, but the warm air of early afternoon evened it all out. I smirked to myself. I was so smart!

I ambled around the outside of the bus, pretty bored. Luckily, I was so confident in my plan, I didn't get the hide-and-go-seek jitters. Meaning, I didn't get the sudden urge to pee. I hated that.


"Ah!" I screamed and spun around.

Louis laughed at me. "That was awesome!" he exclaimed. "Your face! Priceless!"

I huffed, face red, as he continued to laugh. "All done, Mr. Wise Guy?" I scowled as he petered off.

"Yeah," he said, taking a deep breath. "Sorry."

"No, you're not," I retorted. But I wasn't all that mad at him anymore. I just wished I had gotten to see my reaction. "Who's it?" I asked.

"You," Louis replied. "I found you first."

I frowned. "How?" I cried. "I thought I did pretty well!"

"You did hide pretty well," Louis agreed. "If you were Liam or Zayn or Harry or Niall. But for me, I know you, Lily. It wasn't hard."

I pouted. No fair! "But wait," I realized. "You didn't tag me yet! I'm not it yet! Haha!"

Louis rolled his eyes, but then they seemed to flash. "Fine," he conceded and advanced towards me until we were standing right in front of each other.

"Louis," I chuckled nervously. "What are you doing?"

He didn't answer, instead putting a hand behind my neck and pulling it closer. WTF? He leaned his head in, and my heart pounded in my chest as I realized what he was about to do. "You said we could use our lips," he breathed.

I'd never been kissed before. Would I suck? Would I rule? Those two questions came out wrong....

Our lips touched.

Weird, I was kissing a guy much older than me, and two people better not find out. First, Liam couldn't find out because he would kill us all. And second, Eleanor, because she and Louis were dating....

Whoa, wait, WHAT?! Eleanor!

"What the flip!" I gasped, but I didn't exactly say "flip". I pushed myself away from Louis.

He stared at me in confusion and hurt. I glared back at him. "What do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

He frowned. "Kissing you?" he said, like it was obvious.

"No shit!" I shouted. "But what about Eleanor, Louis? Remember her? Your GIRLFRIEND?!" His eyes widened and he looked like he might slap himself. "Yeah, I thought so!" I snapped. "What is wrong with you?!"

He looked lost. "I... I don't know," he mumbled nervously.

I decided to take the calmer approach. His brain might turn on that way.

"Have you talked to Eleanor lately, Louis?" I asked gently.

He seemed surprised that I wasn't screaming at him anymore. "No, not really," he said, and that seemed to come as a shock to him. "Actually, I can't remember the last time I've called her."

I nodded. "I think that's the problem," I said. "You haven't talked to Eleanor lately, and so now you're lonely. I know, I get I'm irresistible--" He smiled slightly when I said that. "--but I don't like you in that way, Louis. We're just friends."

After a moment, he said, "I think you're right, Lily." I was surprised that he wasn't pissed at me, but I decided to roll with the punches. "I do miss Eleanor," he said. "Now that I think about it," he added sheepishly. "It's just that you remind me a lot of Eleanor. Funny, awesome, and sexy."

I laughed. "Thanks," I said, grinning.

"I'll call her tonight," Louis said. "Thanks, Lily. And I'm sorry."

"That's okay," I said. "Let's just make sure Liam doesn't find out about this."

"Oh, definitely," he agreed whole-heartedly. "So, you're not mad? We're still friends?"

I shrugged. "Mmm, I don't know," I said, pretending to think about it. His face fell. I laughed again. "I'm just messing with you," I said, slugging his arm. "Of course we're friends! Just don't try to kiss me again."

"Sure thing," he said, sounding relieved. We headed back onto the bus, where the other boys were now looking for us.


Author's Note:

This chapter kind of relates to real life. My life, I mean. READ THIS CAREFULLY, QUILLSMORT14. I won't go into details, because you people probably don't care about my personal life.

I feel like I'm rushing this story. I'm thinking of fitting it all into thirty chapters or less, and that's a real challenge for me. But just tell me if you think this is going too fast. I'll slow it down best I can.

Stay Beautiful,
-Sammi <3

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