Percy Jackson

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Ok so Hi y'all. So this Chapter is gonna have a couple POV's so just telling you all that.
So with out further ado let the story..... Begin


Percy Jackson. There were many different words to describe her. Funny, loud, loyal, sarcastic, smart. It can go on and on, a never ending list really. But there was one I couldn't stop thinking about. Powerful.
She was extremely Powerful wether she knew it or not. She may be sarcastic and funny but the way she holds herself. They way she talks she has authority in her voice. The way she fights, she moves so swiftly and fast it's hard to see her.
Every one watched Percy trying to find out who her parent was. There was many choices. At first we thought Athena she had the smarts, but she was smarter then them. Hepeuses was also one of them, she is an Amazing builder. Hermes came up too, she moved so swiftly and is very sneaky. Apollo was the last choice they found. She could shoot arrows like non other, better the Orion. She is faster then him and more accurate. She never missies her target, even if it was behind her. She could use a sword flawlessly, she was the best swordsman and archer in the last 300 years. But you could tell the Bow was her weapon of choice.
You could give her any kind of weapon and she could use it. Once she lost her sword and couldn't use her bow, she grabbed a dagger and started to fight with it and in the end she won.
My only hope was that all of that wouldn't got to her head.
Though I kind of lost hope the Night she was claimed
We had just gotten a Hellhound off of Percy when a green light appeared above her head. A Trident. Oh gods. But that wasn't it. A moon appeared with a golden bow. With a Dove.
They have never agreed on something like this before.
"All hail Percy Jackson, Daughter of Poseidon god of the seas, blessed by Artemis goddess of the hunt and Aphrodite goddess of Beauty, and Champion of Apollo!" My voice rang out. Every where people dropped to the ground.
This is bad very bad. Not only was she a daughter of Poseidon, she was blessed by Artemis and wild and free goddess and a goddess of beauty. But oh no that's not it. Apollo was one of the most powerful gods besides the Big Three. So she would be an amazing ally. But what side would she chose for war? We may be doomed.


How did I get my self into this? How could I have done this? It was a mistake, I can see that now.
Not only that but how will this turn out? All of my other children weren't the 'Hero' sort of people. I mean Triton can be okay. I'm not saying he's not a hero, but he's a god. And over years they become more... Rude, I guess you can say. Makes sure people bow at his feet and if they don't he gives them a cold look. That's just how he's always been. Cold. But I still love him, he's my son.
But my demigod children have never been, true Hero's.
But what makes me wonder is how she can use a bow so well. How she was blessed by Artemis and Aphrodite, and the Champion of Apollo. I mean I know Apollo did something with bows and my children but to let them even be able to use a bow let alone become her his Champion. But I know if I ask he won't tell me.
When I went on that one night stand with Sally, I never even thought that this would happen. This never should have happened. I was thinking about my self and no one else. Because of this the child will most likely die by a monster.
Because of my selfish deeds.


Powerful. That may be the reason she's my Champion, but it's not. I never liked Poseidon's children and I still don't. Well that was intel Percy. I started keeping tabs on her sense the night she lost her memory. I was her doctor.
Even if she lost her memory's she was calm. Most people to loose there memory's wold be very hectic. But she was so calm that me the god of healing didn't even notice. But as she kept growing and learned new memory's she was never a selfish person.
Personal loyalty
I already know her flaw. I just hope she learn it soon enough.


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