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Tony's POV

You know Pepper always surprises me. There I was in my lab I couldn't get that little girl out of my head. Then Pepper comes in scaring the hell out of me. Telling me were adopting a child its Percy. I mean I liked that idea I did but it surprised me so much I was in shock for like 5 minutes.

So here I am heading into the hospital with Pepper by my side. We haven't told the other members yet, I guess they'll figure out when the time comes. We go to her room, I knocked on the door.


I opened the door to find Percy looking out the window.

"Hello, Im Tony Stark" I said

"Hi, Im Percy Jackson or so they say" she said. Ok so she's making this a little harder then this should be. Wonder how she's gonna take the paparazzi screaming and bright lights. OH GOD.

"well if you remember I was here earlier to day with some other people and Pepper was to with some people too?" I said lowly

" Yeah I do remember....I think" yep a lot harder.

"Well here wondering if we could adopt you because you have no other family?" I asked slightly nervous. But she just gave me a confused look.

"What's adopting?" asked Percy

"Well its when someone picks out a kid and brings them home and takes care of them" I said

"Oh sure" she said still a little confused

"Ok let me go do the paper work Ill be right back" I said. As I was leaving to see the doctor I heard her mumble "Paper Work?" I chuckled and walked out. This is gonna be interesting.

Percy Jackson: A new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now