An Interesting Captain Meeting

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Ichigo POV
Rukia made sure that my face was covered by the cowl of a cloak she gave me. Then we stepped into the meeting room. "I'm here to report on Ichigo's whereabouts." she said, stepping forward.
"Who is the man standing next to you?" Yamamoto asked. Rukia smirked. I got ready to fling back the cowl.
"Captains, may I introduce Ich..." Ukitake-taichou interrupted with loud coughing. My blood ran cold when he started to cough up blood.
"Ukitake-taichou!" I cried, dashing forward to catch the falling man. The cowl slipped off. Gasps of surprise sounded in the room. When I caught him, he looked up and paled.
"K...Kaien?!" I smiled and nodded.
"Yes and no. I'm not exactly Kaien Shiba, but I'm not Ichigo Kurosaki either, Ukitake-taichou." A broad smile crossed his face, and he laughed.
"Hah hah! My lieutenant is back! Kiyone! Sentaro! Where are those two?" he yelled, prying me off of him. He did a little happy dance. "Kiyone! Sentaro!" The two burst into the room.
"Yes taichou?" they asked. Then they saw me. Kiyone squealed and jumped on me. Sentaro just clung to my my leg sobbing.
"Kiyah! Kaien's back!" Kiyone screamed as she hugged me. I decided to get them to stop crying.
"Eh? What's this? I think your lieutenants have lost it," I said to Ukitake-taichou, who smiled. "I haven't been gone from the 13th division for that long." Rukia looked miffed.
"As I was saying before, may I introduce Ichigo Shiba."

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