Almost Gone ~5~

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     My first day of school, a week after everyone else. Yay. And I even get to see Caden and his friends. Double yay. I thought sarcastically, grimacing as the cold air from the building hit me. "I'm cold, are you?" I asked Sarah. "Uh, yeah! This school is like negative 50 degrees!" she said. Today was sarcastic Sarah. Yay. Again. "Hey, Jen." I looked towards the voice, and it was Caden. And he was walking over here. Woo-hoo. Grrrrrrrrr. Bad sar castic mind. Act like you didn't hear him, just keep walking, just keep walking. He hurried up. He cought up. "Hey Jen. He said again, oblivious to the look I was giving him. "So what's up?" ha asked. Okay, that did it. "Whats up? Whats up? Are you serious!" I yelled. I was sick and tired of him. "I got shot in the freaking stomach, then you come over to Sarah's and break up with me! And all you have to say is what's up? Ugh!" I said, stomping off, ignoring the roaring pain in my stomach. I ran into the girls bathroom when I heard him say "Jen! Wait! We need to talk!". Seriously. What is wrong with him? I mean, he broke up with me. "Jen." he said, coming into the girls bathroom. He came into the girls bathroom. Just to talk to me. "What!?!" I asked, impatiently. "Look, we really need to talk about the break up..." "Then. Talk. To. The. Hand." I said, holding up my hand, looking away. He moved my hand down, and started talking. "I know I said it wasn't really working out, but it was. I'm so sorry." "Sorry doesn't fix everything, Caden. This is how you'll learn that." I said, walking out of the bathroom. He followed me. "I'm moving. To Washington." he said, looking into my eyes as I turned to him. Washington? "Washington?" I said. "But, we're in Florida. Why?" I asked. But I knew the answer. "My dad has been transferred again. I'm really sorrry. I panicked. Thats the first thing that came to my mind. I didn't want to tell you yet." he said, his feeling pouring out of his soul into mine. He was just trying to protect my feelings. "I...I don't know what to say." I said, looking into his beautiful eyes. Those eyes. I would miss the little things, I knew. I would miss those eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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