Almost Gone ~4~

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     The next day.......

Knock knock knock.

"I'll get it Sare!" I said, getting up, yes, I got up, to go to the door. As I walked over slowly, I started to think who is it? What do they want? But soon, my questions would be answered. I was at the door. I opened it. Caden. "Hey Jen." he said. But, he didn't smile. "Hi Caden. So whats up?" I asked, wondering why he was here. "Um..." he stammered, hesitated. Something was wrong. He never did either of those. Ever. "Well..." he said again. "I..I don't think this is working out." he said, then turned around and walked away. Sarah had lied to me. She had lied.  To me. About my boyfriend. I swear....I'm gonna...."Oh, hey Jen. Who was it?" asked Sarah. "Oh, no one. Just Caden." I answered, hoping she would just spill and stop lying. "Oh. Well, wy don't you sound happy? You're always happy when you're around Caden. Is he in the kitchen?" she asked. "No. He left already." I said. She was acting so clueless. Maybe she hadn't lied, and Caden had lied to her. "He broke up with me, Sare. That's why he came, and thats why he left right after he came." I said, looking down Wat was se gonna say? Was she onna say anything? "Oh. I'm sorry, but I thought he told me he wanted to see you." she said, looking puzzled. How could she not get it!?!?! "Sare, he wanted to see me so he could break up with me." I said, clearing it up for her. "Oh my God!" she yelled, looking instantly angry. "Where is he? Did he walk here? I'm gonna kill that -" "Stop!" I interrupted. "I don't want you to kill him." I said, looking exasperated. She got the idea. "Yeah. You could SO do better. What about that cute new guy, Drew, he likes you." Sarah said, walking over to the fridge. I followed. "I don't know, I don't think I'm ready for another relationship so quick. I mean, I litterally got broken up with two minutes ago." I said, laughing. "Why are you laughing? I thought you really liked him!" said Sare, looking at me, waiting for an answer. "It was a burden. I felt like I always had to be perfect around him. And perfect is really hard. I said, looking at her. She nodded. " But hey, Drew likes you for you." she said. "If I say I'll think about going out with him, will you pleeease stop bugging me about it?" I asked, laughing. "Fine. I win. Haha." she said, and we went over to watch some more Spongebob.

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