Chapter fortytwo~ "I know that."

Start from the beginning

“How would you know?” Scowled Aily, just when I thought she might actually have respected me, I was wrong.

“Eliyn told me.” I looked up at the skies, knowing she’d be there and before I looked back to the two bickering children, I took a quick little glance at her wonderful wings. Even if she was gone… I had her wings to remind me of her. I’d never forget that.

“Don’t say another word.” Thif snapped, stepping forwards to me, but I felt Eliyn push him back. We both stared wide-eyed at the space between us. Only us two knew she was there. We couldn’t see her, but we felt her.

“Don’t you dare.” Her sweet whispers filled the gap of air separating us and Thif closed his mouth, stepping back immediately. Even in death she was commanding.

“Thif killed them.” I said bluntly, looking at him with blame coating my eyes. “He killed his own parents. He put a sword through his mother’s heart and sucked the life from his father’s body. He killed Eliyn’s parents too. Burning my grandfather to death and knocking my grandmother cold out. Then he killed Eliyn’s human lover, but he let Eliyn live, only to make her suffer as he plunged her kingdom into war. Eliyn started the fire to keep the kingdom’s safe from Thif’s rage. If you knew what had happened maybe things would be different, maybe things would be much worse.”

“Why would he do that?” The girl from Trys laughed, refusing to believe it.

“Because he loved Eliyn.” I said quietly. “Or at least, he thought he did.”

“I did.” He replied a little more subtlety and maybe I felt sorry for him. But the feeling was gone in seconds as I remembered what he had done. He had been a bit over-dramatic.

“This war was started because of love.” I said rather coldly. And now it was time to end it.

I flew above the stadium, directly in the middle now. Maybe one day this would be a historical monument. The day the war ended. It was pretty catchy, don’t you think?

“Look at each other!” I shouted so everyone could hear, but I knew they’d all hear anyway. Super-hearing and all that. Everyone shuffled on their feet, quickly glancing at their opponent. “No, really look at each other! Look, they have eyes! They can see everything you can! They have noses and mouths; they breathe, they’re a fairy. They have ears; they can hear. They have a brain; they think. They have a heart; they can care. They probably have a family, a husband, a wife, too! they’re no different to you…”

Silence dawned upon the stadium as everyone took in the person they were stood next to. “You know, Myllic and Trys once had a wonderful alliance.” I smiled as they all thought about the words coming from my mouth.

“And they’ll have that alliance once again.” Leo said, a far way away. He made his way through the crowd of fairies until he reached just below me. He offered up his hand and smiled. “We could do it, you know.” He whispered as I lowered myself down so I was stood on the ground opposite him.

I took his hand like a queen would have and smiled warmly at him.

“No!” Thif and his wife chorused and Leo turned on his heel to face them.

“Trys are ashamed of you!” He shouted, throwing his arms upwards as the Trys people roared with agreement. I smiled as Leo started to control the whole situation. “You are not our king!”

The Trys people roared again, and this time Myllic joined in. It was a moment of unison and it was glorious. “No- son, you don’t know what you’re doing—” Thif stuttered, looking vulnerable.

“Lock them up!” Leo shouted, his voice tinted with happiness. I didn’t know what was good about locking your own parents up but, whatever, happiness was happiness. Some Trys and Myllic soldiers ran to Thif and this time he was really outnumbered. Thif’s wife didn’t even try to struggle. They were being taken somewhere I’d never want to go.

Leo turned back to me, grinning. “So what do you say, Vi?” His hand was offered forwards and I knew it would be polite to take it. But I wasn’t going to be polite now. I’d just died, heck, taking a hand is not what I would do.

I flung my arms around his neck, embracing him in one of the tightest hugs I’d ever given. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a while. Everyone was silent, everyone watched with awe. Our armour fit together almost perfectly, like Miranda and Leo’s armour maker had designed it that way.

“I thought you were dead.” He whispered into my ear. I smiled and relaxed my head on his shoulder.

“I was.”

“Vi, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” He said, his voice coated with sorrow and strain.

“Go on a killing rampage, maybe?” I referred to the threats he’d given me when we had been fighting. I heard him laugh a little, and I wasn’t sure if I had meant it as a joke or not.

“I only said that to make you fight. I didn’t want you to give up.” He stroked my back for comfort as we parted and our eyes connected. I opened my mouth in a tiny bit of shock. He was bluffing. I pursed my lips and scowled at him. I had really thought he would’ve killed them!

“I might be the son of Thif, Vi, but I’m not a monster.” He whispered, letting a sad smile make my heart skip a beat. I returned the smile, holding his hand lightly in mine.

“I know that.”

That moment was glorious. Nothing could ruin it. Not the pain in my physical state; not the strain on my heart; not fact that Leo had just cast away his own parents; not nothing.

Everything was perfect. Everything had worked out.

I just had to die before I realised it. 

(A/N: Queen Clarion from tinkabell reminds me so much of Eliyn. Maybe thats where my inspiration for her came from! There's a picture at the side too, if you wanted to know what her wings looked like^.^ THANKS FOR READING<3)

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