The girl who cried wolf: Chapter ten

Start from the beginning

     “Good otherwise I would have to teach him a lesson.” He said looking over at with his hands crossed over his chest. “Wait what do you mean not physically anyway.” He continued looking concerned.

     “He is attracted to Lucia; he made it absolutely obvious in front of everyone. Even in front of me. I confronted him about it and he seemed to be oblivious. Lucia was playing up to his attention; I think she might know the truth about Luca and me. Every time she’s around him, when I’m nearby, she smirks at me when he starts making a fool of himself.” I said looking down at my hands again.

     “Wow. What a bastard!” he said suddenly.

I wiped my head up at him, shocked by his outburst. I suddenly found myself glaring at Tyler, even though I knew he was right, something inside didn’t like Tyler insulting Luca. I closed my eyes and shock my head a little bit, trying to compose myself.

     “Chill Mia, you can’t say he’s not. If he wasn’t wouldn’t he be the one comforting you?” Tyler said noticing my mood change.

     “I know. I’m sorry, sometimes this whole mate thing just takes over.” I said quietly.

    “If you want I’ll go sort him out. You know bang him around a bit; knock some sense into that thick skull of his.” He said smirking, as he took up a boxing stance and threw some punches.

I held back my laughter. I was a sweet gesture but he’d never win, Luca would run circles around him.

     “That’s ok Tyler, it takes two to tango.” I said.

He looked over at me a little confused. He scratched his head and sat back down on the bed.

     “So let me get this straight, he was dancing with her too?” He asked looking deadly serious.

Once again I held back my laughter, I didn’t know if he was doing it purposely to cheer me up but it was working. That’s what I loved about Tyler, he was so quirky and fun to be around. He was always full of surprises.

     “No Tyler it’s a figure of speech. It means he wasn’t the only one to blame, she was just as bad.” I said smiling at him.

     “Oh.” He replied going a bright shade of red.

I bit my lip trying so hard not to laugh at him but before I knew he was laid on his back laughing his head off. I couldn’t help but join him. We laid on the bed beside each other laughing until our sides hurt. After a few more minutes, once we had calmed ourselves down, Tyler propped himself up on his elbow and looked over at me.

     “I could always distract her you.” He said still smiling.

     “And how do you propose to do that?” I asked curious to know what he was thinking.

     “Well I thought that would be obvious. I’d woe her with charms and devilishly good looks.” He replied quickly wiggling his eyebrows.

Before I could stop it I was in stitches once again, tear running down my face. I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed this hard. Suddenly Tyler hit me in the face with a pillow.

     “Hey!” I shouted still laughing a little bit.

I pulled myself up onto my elbows and looked over at him, finally able to control my laughter.

     “Are you saying I’m not good looking enough for her?” He asked trying to look serious but I could see he was trying not to laugh.

     “No I’m not saying that at all. It just that she’s…” I answered but was cut off before I could finish.

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