5. I Do Know You!

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You ran down the empty streets, and drops of rain started to drip down from the clouds above you. By the looks of it, Emil wasn't too close behind, and that gave you some time to put distance between you both. You walked back to your old house, and the more things got familiar, the more scared you felt. The rain was pouring down in buckets by this point, and you felt a chill run through your body. The houses were familiar; all your old neighbours. Your legs began to shake violently—were you scared? It wasn't a simple matter of being cold.

It was only a few more houses along until you reached your house, but you began to slow down as more fear crept into your mind. With all the distraction and fear, your foot caught on a crack in the pavement, causing you to stumble onto the cold, wet floor. You whimpered as you shuffled back towards a wall. Your clothes and hair were soaked through, and you were chilled to the bone.

"What the hell is wrong with me...? Why did I run away?" You said to yourself, angrily punching the floor. The skin on your knuckles scraped off, but you didn't care. You just felt so afraid, and it had caused you to push away the only person who'd ever even begun to care about you.


Emil's POV:

It had been almost 20 minutes, and I still hadn't found (F/N). What was wrong with her, and why'd she run away? Was it me? Did I do something wrong? I couldn't question myself right now though, as (F/N) was my first priority. The umbrella shielded me from the rain, and puddles had formed on the floor around me. Which way was her house!? If she went back then she might be hurt, or worse... I shook my head, banishing the thoughts from my head, and my fear turned into panic. I turned the corner, oddly reminiscent.

"(F/N)!" I yelled. It was like the moment I found her, beaten and bloody, but this time, she wasn't in harm's way. She was sat against the wall, her head dipped down, her body soaked to the bone. I ran over to her, she was conscious, at least. She started muttering, but whether to me or herself, I wasn't exactly sure.

"I couldn't do it... I couldn't go back... I was too scared... Why was I so scared?" She finally looked up at me with tears in her eyes and clenched her hands tightly. I noticed the blood smeared on her knuckles, and decided I should stop her from doing any more damage by the way she was digging her nails into her palms.

"(F/N) stop it!" I said kneeling down and trying to grab her arm, but she pushed me away. The umbrella fell to the floor.

"No!" She yelled. "Why couldn't I go back!? I'm just a coward! Everything my parents say is true! I can't do anything right!" She was now yelling constant insults about herself. Rainwater was streaked down her face, but still, no tears, trickled down, even though they'd welled up in her eyes.

"..(F/N), no, you not a coward. I know your n—"

"You don't know me!" She cut me off. I didn't know her? We'd been friends, and although we'd only knew each other in person for a couple of weeks, we'd known each other over the phone for years. To prove my point, I dug my hand into my pocket, gripping (F/N)'s phone, which I'd kept with me, as I'd forgotten to return it. I flicked onto one of the conversations I'd had with her and held it in her face. Her eyes widened a fraction.

"I do know you! I've known you for years! So don't act like those conversations we had over the phone never existed!" I shouted, and her attention was now fully focused on me. Her eyes looked shocked but also held some hope. "I do know what you're like! You're fun, you're caring, and you're not a coward! If anything, you're brave, and amazing for going this long without help." I took a deep breath, but she still looked doubtful.

"How can you think that highly of me...?" She asked, and I contemplated actually saying my answer. I mentally sighed; now was as good a time as any. I pulled her into a hug, and even though the pouring rain should've made me feel otherwise, it was warm.

"Look, I just... Really like you, okay?" I said, nervously. "More than a friend." When she didn't do anything, I felt incredibly anxious but kept speaking regardless to comfort her. "But, it's okay to just lean on someone sometimes, okay? It's okay to cry, or to want help." I reassured her, and she sucked in a breath as if trying not to cry, but I just hugged her tighter.

She tightly wrapped her arms around my body, and tears finally started to spill down from her eyes. Her quiet sobs turned into cries, but I held her close, her cries muffled in the fabric of my jumper. The sun shone through the cracks in the clouds, a rainbow clearly visible, and soon the sobs faded. (F/N)'s hands became loose, signifying she'd passed out, probably from the stress, so I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. I lifted her into my arms once again and took her back home. Lukas was waiting for me once I'd got back.

"You found her?" He asked as I walked through the door. I didn't need to answer; (F/N) asleep in my arms was a good enough answer. "I lit the fireplace, you can go sit there."

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Aren't you glad you have such a kind big brother?" He smirked, a slight teasing tone to his normal monotone voice. I scowled at that.

"Shut up... I'm not going to call you big brother, plus I have more important things to deal with!" I growled, motioning to (F/N). I set her down on the couch. Lukas had already laid out blankets and some hot chocolate, and I thought that I should probably thank him later, if not for my sake, then for (F/N)'s. The fire was lit, and it sure was nice to feel warmth after being out in the rain. Of course, (F/N) must've of been even colder. I picked up the blankets, and sat back down on the couch, protectively, and subconsciously pulling (F/N) closer to me into another hug, wrapping the blankets around us both. I drifted off to sleep a few moments later.


You felt very warm, and there was something around your shoulders. Except the obvious warmth emanating from the fire you could hear crackling in front of you, and also the blankets you could feel weighing down on you, there was a different warmth. It felt familiar, and you thought for a few moments before opening your eyes, remembering what happened before you passed out. Emil was there... Wait, Emil!? Your eyes flickered open as you remembered his sudden confession. Your cheeks flushed red, and you tried to move your hand to rub the sleep from your eyes, but you felt a presence next to you. Looking to the side of you, your heart skipped a beat, and you almost squealed in surprise. You held your hands to your mouth to stop any noises from leaking out of your mouth. Emil was peacefully sleeping next to you, his shoulder leaning against your slightly, or perhaps the other way around. Your face became even redder, and the room was dark, the only light being emitted was from the fire. Whatever time it was, it was late at night. You eventually relaxed, slowly sinking into Emil's arms. Your eyes drooped, but before you could fall asleep, you heard a small hum of approval, and you could just tell that he was smirking in his sleep. You drifted off into a deep sleep.


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