Chapter 21

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Jades pov

I still can't believe I'm going to be a sister, I always wanted a family and now I've finally got one. At first I wasn't worried about them having a baby until he/she kicked and Sean's face lit up. Lana was laid on the couch when she felt the baby kick he placed his hands over her small bump and kissed her stomach I don't know if he knew I was standing in the door way when he said his next sentence but it hurt a lot "oh my, lana that's our baby our first baby" I know it was his first baby but it kinda upset me. I'm being stupid especially when I've always wanted a family and now I was getting one. I left them with their baby and went upstairs. "Hey Stephanie fancy going out for awhile, Sean and lana are planning baby stuff and you no it's kinda boring" she agreed and invited me over her house for a sleepover, just what I need a girly night in with my bestie. I packed a bag and quite a few of our favourite horror films "hey lana, Sean I'm going to Stephanie's for the night see ya" lana replied "Jade sweetie are you okay" I know I shouldn't of slammed the door on he face but I didn't and ran to Stephanie's. She was already waiting for me and she grabbed my bag and pulled me into a hug. See this is why I love her she understands what I mean se knew I wasn't upset over baby planning she knew I was upset over this baby. We walked up to her room and Tyler was there holding Stephanie's bag "come here baby, you and Stephanie can have your sleep over at mine" he pulled me into he's arms, he has a massive room And a huge bed. Once we got to his I curled up in his bed while him and Stephanie were getting snacks to watch our first horror film which was dead silence. Half way through the film I was laid on Tyler's chest half asleep when Stephanie said "hey jade, I'm going home see ya" I mumbled a bye then cuddled in further to Tyler's chest. He kissed my forehead it's getting late sweetie, night baby I love you" I mumbled a i love you too and kissed his lips and was asleep in seconds.

Lana's POV

She just slammed the door in my face. "Sean I think something is wrong with Jade she's not herself" he came over and wrapped his arms around me "don't worry love it'll just be her Being a teenager" I look at him "what if she heard you say what you said" he looks at me "what did I say". " you said that this was our first baby, maybe she heard and now is upset" his eyes widened "I didn't mean it like that, I..." I place a hand on his cheek "I know you did mean anything but we haven't had a lot of time with her being her parents and now she is going to have to share us" I gave him a kiss and we went to bed but before I could go to sleep I text Jade. Night night baby, I love you so much don't ever think other wise. What ever you heard I hope you know we didn't mean it like that. I love you so very much and I'm great full you found me the thing I regret is thinking that I'd be okay thinking you'd have a family that could look after you better than me but if I could take it all back I would. I missed everything your first walk, word. I'm sorry if I upset you. I love you so much. I waited for her to reply but she didn't so I guessed she fell asleep. I had a bad night sleep that night.

Sean's POV
Once lana finally fell asleep I got up I can't believe I upset Jade I never meant to I will love her no less than this baby. Jade means the world to me. I will tell her tomorrow that.
*************************************the next day

Jades POV
I woke up still in Tyler's arms I look up at him an he smiles down "morning baby are you okay" I smile at him yeah I'm good now, thank you for letting me stop with you" he places kisses all over my face and turns us over so he hovering over the top of me " you don't have to say thank you baby, you were upset and you can all ways come to me when you're upset, I love you" he leans down and kisses my lips then trails kisses down my neck " it's weird hearing you say that still" he looks down at me "it's true so you better get used to it". He gets off me and says he's taking a shower while he's in the shower I get changed and look at my phone and notice I have a message from lana I read it and start to cry. "Tyler I'm going back home love you" before he gets chance to reply I'm out the door and running home. I run into the door and mam is in the kitchen, I run into her arms " I'm sorry mam I love you so much too" she kisses my forehead "I love you more princess, don't think just because we are having a baby doesn't mean we will love you any less" i nod my head "i know I was just being stupid" Sean came up behind me "i promise i didnt mean it like that princess you will always be my daughter i just meant that i had never felt my baby kick before, i got excited but i shouldn't of made you feel disinclined, we are going to find out the sex of the baby later on today will you come with us" i nod my head but don't reply i cuddle mam tighter web i feel a kick, i look up at lana "was that the baby" she nods i place my hands on her stomach and push gently and i feel another kick, i do it again and she/he kicks again "i think I've just found my new favorite thing" we all laugh and i relie how stupid i have been of course they will all ways love me.

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