New Book: The Cinderella Contract!

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Howdy folks? This is my new baby! I wonder if I will ever finish the others.... Doesn't matter! This is an inspiration from a game, my freaky imagination, and a few friends that just HAD to drive me mad. So! Thank you mephistoland and @sanmariano @quillin and last but definitely not least @-Dysfunctional
Hope you enjoy it guys! Have at it then!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Kyne is just a regular guy. He is a person who doesn't care about anything. He has nothing to look forward to. He has a job. He has a roof over his head. He has no family. He has a average life. That should be it for him. Until one unfortunate day turns his whole world upside down.

Dwennon is the crown prince. He is obviously a royal. He thinks that everything revolves around him. He is stubborn, handsome but yet naïve and stupid. He is clearly not ready to be a prince. He knows it, heck, even his parents know it. So, they placed a small request: Dwen gets married before he becomes crowned. No partner, no crown. Fair right? Dwen is absolutely devastated. He doesn't want a partner. Until he meets a certain someone. He definitely feels something for the mysterious looking guy, but he doesn't know what. So he requests a contract... Interesting.

Lets see what happens to the charming duo. They say 'a contract is the beginning of a new friendship' but is it really?

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