Love Her Madly

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I was unpacking new arrivals of vinyl in my little "office" unconsciously singing under my breath like I often do while working, not even realizing what song I sang. I also hadn't noticed someone stepped into the room, until a voice that once swooned me joined in on the chorus,
"Yo te quiero Infinito, yo te quiero oh my corazón" he sang, his British accent causing my knees to instantly become noodles. I turn startled to discover that sadly and truthfully, he still has the most beautifully crafted face I've ever seen. Why do I still love you?

His smile gleams, his brown eyes explore me as if he's found a lost toy, which is probably what I was to him all along, something to play with. My heart feels feeble, "What are you doing here?"
"Its nice to see you too, Angel. Even nicer to know you still like the song I composed you."
"Well, some things don't change do they?" I reply vexed.
He sits on one of my chairs comfortably as if this was his house,
"You called earlier, saying you wanted to see me?"
Confused I reply, "Why the hell would I wanna see you? I don't, you can leave now."
"You know? You're my biggest turn-on when you act mad like that."
"Oh yeah? Well you're about to have an orgasm if you don't leave my fucking store."
He lets out a laugh, "Do you actually sell anything treating your customers that way? Plus..."
he proceeds picking himself up to walk towards me,
"...this store belongs to me as much as it belongs to you, angel."

With scorn I protest, "You're stupid, I built this place on my own with my money. And don't call me 'angel.'"
"But you're my wife, are you not Miss Mellor-Strummer?" He asks cornering me with a lewd smile, I can hardly breathe, "And your point is?"
He turns exploring my office so that I now face the back of his curls, "my point being, all that's mine is yours, all that's yours is mine. You can't kick me out my own store now, can you?" He dares me lifting a brow, his lips giving a half grin that shows a bit of his teeth.
"Whatever, if you insist on staying you might as well do me a favor; sign the divorce papers you keep sending back blank."
"And why would I do a thing like that?"
"Because I abhor you, Mister Mellor-Strummer" I state with a sardonic smile.
"Really?...But your body doesn't now does it?" As he says this he leans into me again, only closer, close enough for our breaths to become one, "you covet me Candy, you desire to have me" he whispers sensually into my lips.
With a face of disgust I push him aside, "you came here, not the other way around. You refuse to divorce, you're the one cornering m-" he interrupts me by pulling my face into his, planting an erotic long wet kiss.

If you've ever been washed away by waves at the beach then you'll surely understand how being kissed for the first time again by the person who stole your heart feels. It pulls you in, shakes you up, then spits you back out leaving you breathless, confused and dizzy.

And although I swore to never allow myself succumb into his seduction again, my carnal needs are stronger than my will. We somehow ended up reliving the past on my desk.

Still atop me when we finish he gently caresses my face while whispering with a smile "I love you."
I feel like my chest will burst..."Why do you always do this?"
"This!" I exclaim pushing him off.
He gazes at me without words looking slightly hurt until he says "because you're right, I'm the one who wants you, I need you."
"And it took you six months to realize?! We live in the same city, have the same group of friends and are invited to the same fucking parties. Why do you so suddenly 'need' me? Did you get bored with that bitch? Whatever her name is."
"No! I haven't even seen her since that day. Listen I tried to forget you, the way you seemed to forget about me. But I can't, how can I when you keep appearing in my dreams? When I keep expecting you'll be there when I wake up?"

I move apart from him to dress myself. So its true, 'Rebel Waltz' is about me... Still, he can't buy me with a song nor words, I'm not the same dumb girl I was in 1977.

"Where are you going?"
"Look, I would stay and listen to your heartedly apologies, but there's a party I would rather go to."
"And leave the place unattended on a Saturday?"
"Of course not, this is your store too, innit?"
I exit the office, he trails behind but doesn't stop me, he knows he can't.

*3rd Person Narration*

Like a joke made by fate "Love Her Madly" by the Doors began playing through the store as Joe observed her storm upstairs. A smile painted his lips, his mind sprung an idea, this wasn't the end but merely the beginning of a fun game.

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting!

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