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It was about midnight and you had just come out of your room and gone to the kitchen to get some food, but the weird thing is that you have not noticed anybody around but you just thought they were asleep or out killing so you just gone to get some food then go back to sleep, but you accidentally slipped on something and fell to the ground. "W-what is this?" You said to yourself as you looked at the liquid and saw that it was.....blood. "What the fuck who did this?!" You almost screamed but at that instant you heard insane giggling and laughing from the shadows and they everything went black
-Time Skip-
You woke up hours later tied to a bed in the mansion, "What the hell happened to me?" You said aloud and looked around. "Why hello my sweet~" somebody said from the darkness and you looked around to find out who said it, "Well don't keep him all to yourself~" another voice said from the darkness. Finally you figured out who's voices they were..... Jane and Clockwork. 'Shit' you thought and you struggled as the two women walked out of the shadows, but they were.......completely nude and you quickly looked away. "Now don't be like that~" Jane said with a slight smirk, "We'll be gentle~" Clocky said and both girls started walking toward you.

(Next chapter is a lemon so be warned.....smut and it's gonna be hardcore)

Yandere Clockwork and Yandere Jane the killer X male, bullied readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat