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As he sat at his desk, bent over writing a paper, the young man heard a knock at his door. He looked up from his work and turned to the door.

"Come on in." he said

The door opened and his friend entered the room.

"What brings you around?" he asked.

His friend shrugged, "Same thing that always does."

"Hmm," He paused for a moment before saying with a smile, "What if I told you I had a story that would make you gain a new outlook on your life?"

The friend looked upon him, brow raised, "I'd say you've got my attention for a minute or two."

He pulls up a seat across from his host, who clears his throat and begins the tale.


The evening sun shone through the window upon which his head now rested. Its beams warming the side of his face against the glass as he slipped into a soft slumber, the book he had been reading slid from his grasp.


Kokazai came about with a start, the rise from a half-sleep addled his head as he looked around through glassy eyes, unsure if he had actually heard someone, or if it had been another of those dreams. Not wanting to think too much on the latter, he resolved to go and check. Following where he believed the source of the call came from, he found himself at the front door; his aunt and uncle standing there, looking upon the person who had just walked into their home. His white robes bellowing in the evening wind, while his long sleek hair seemed to remain still. The Dominu, flanked by a white-masked Veldt guard on either side, looked down at Kokazai with interest, while Kokazai could only think that the white robes in between the dark purple cloaked guards made for an easy target. He turned from the Dominu, looking to his aunt and uncle as the silence stretched, wondering why he had been called. His aunt and uncle looked to be wondering this as well, but knew to wait for the moment when the Dominu decided to speak again.

"This is Kokazai?" he asked, addressing the other two but still looking at Koka

"Yes, this is him," his uncle answered.

"Is there a problem Lord Dominu?" his aunt, knowing it had to be something important to warrant a visit from the Dominu himself.

The Dominu turned his gaze from Kokazai at last, looking upon the one who had spoken to him. 

"Alas, I admit. I do not come bringing joyous news." He replied, "It's about your Heads of House."

"What's happened to my brother?" the uncle asked, looking uneasily at Kokazai

The Dominu said nothing, looking from each of the members in the household in turn.

"Spit it out then," demanded the uncle.

The Dominu ignored the misconduct of the man and let out a sigh.

"They're dead."

Koka's aunt feints, falling back against the wall as her husband bends down to check on her. The Dominu pays no mind to that, turning to Koka once more.

"We don't have all the details at the moment," he said, "But I will return tomorrow morning and give you all the information we have gathered." He turned to leave, pausing in the threshold, "I'm sorry for your loss."

He walked out into the closing day, his white figure against the setting sun. 


The smell of breakfast was in the air as his aunt busied herself in the kitchen, while Kokazai sat within his room, the Dominu standing across from him. Two Veldt stood guard, a sound barrier between them and the light sniffles that came from the room. Kokazai sat upon his bed, looking to the floor; his tears darkening the wood as they fell. Kokazai brought his sleeve to his face, wiping it as the Dominu looked on.

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