8. Normal??

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Patrick's pov

Its already been two weeks since the incident with Pete. Everything seems to be going back to normal, expect this stupid stomach flu I've gotten. I even moved back into the bus a week ago and it seems like nothing ever happened.

"Patrick, you have to eat this time" Andy says.

I look down at my food and shook my head, "I really don't feel like it right now."

"Dude, your going to throw up like last time, and there is no way I'm picking it up" Joe said while playing his game.

"Andy I'm really not in the mood, I feel like if I eat I might throw up again."

"Fine, just drink your tea it will help you get rid of the stomach flu." I nodded.

"Are you sure you'll be able to perform tonight dude? I'm mean our three day break is over." Joe asked.

"Yeah, I have to be, we can't let the fans down. I think I'll just sleep until we get there. How long do we have anyway?"

"About two hours, but we don't start sound check for seven more hours, so sleep all you want."

"Yeah okay I'll go do that." I stood up from my chair, taking my tea with me. Ah, why couldn't I have had the stomach flu before tour?

I went inside the room, Pete was sleeping peaceful on his bed. I sat down on my across from him.

"Hey" he yawned.

"Good morning."

"Are you feeling any better?"

I nodded slightly, "yeah, I feel okay. I think I'll be able to perform tonight."

"Good, because there is no way we would ever get a replacement."

I laughed, "you could if you wanted too."

"Nah, no sings as good as you." he sat up from his bed, he was in nothing, but boxers.

"That's only your opinion."

"Actually, I've made it a fact a long time ago. Ever since you auditioned for Joe and I."

"Well good, I finally know." I said lying down on my bed. "Wake me up when we get there, I really need a shower."

"Yeah okay, but finish that tea... In the mean while I'm going to get some coffee." he says leaving the room.

Yeah, everything is back to normal. I reached for another drink of my tea, before putting it down. I took out my phone and send a quick good morning text to Elisa. After a few minutes I felt my eyes slowly getting heavy. This is just temporary, I'll be back to my normal self in no time, finishing tour and going back to home to my city.

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